Rules are similar to the Roasts:
1) They can't protest or say you're full of shit - they have to accept the
2) Whoever says the nicest things is next
let the games begin!
This is a good chance for alllll you people that come to shmeng to remember
how it got here, who made it happen, kept it happening, pays for it to
happen, all so you can have something to do when you are bored in computer
That is something Devin gives each of us everyday. Give a little love
[Edited on 12/23/2003 by callei]
____________________ Real goths wear silver and crosses to keep the werewolves and vampires
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 658 Registered: 27/5/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 19/12/2003 at 12:23 PM
Wow, I barely know Devin. For some reason the bulk of our communication
has been my whining on bugs in Shmeng.
Well for starters, we can all agree he has a damn fine website. I know
I've said it elsewhere, but Devin very much resembles a Medditteranian
diety. He has some excellent photography as well as knows how to make a
website look appealing.
More than anything else about a person my opinion generally rests on how I
feel about their sense of humor and Devin has the most wickedly unique
cynical sense of humor enhanced by the fact that he isn't afraid of
[Edited on 12/19/2003 by IamSquid]
i wanted to die, and then it progressed into wanting everyone else to
die so i could watch, and then me die.
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 618 Registered: 27/9/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 19/12/2003 at 04:14 PM
Of all the online Deities, I'd have to say that Devin is the one with the
best website. He's an awesome photographer, and looks really hot in photos
himself. Although I haven't communicated directly with him very much, I can
tell he's got a lot of charisma. (Maybe I should try actually turning on my
instant messengers and leaving them on long enough to actually ask someone
to add me to theirs sometimes *lol*) In any case you totally rock Devin and
a lot about your personality comes through in the articles that you write.
____________________ "When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never
tried before." ~Mae West
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 648 Registered: 24/9/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 19/12/2003 at 05:05 PM
Oh my god! Where do I start! I can't do a list like he can, because I am
not that skilled, but I can so polish him up!
So, for starters he is mega mega mega fucking hot as all hell, he just
makes my skin crawl with excitement. He is just cream in your panties
fucking delicious! Mmmmm
His vibe is so yummy! The best vibe I have ever encountered. I couldn't
believe it was real!
He says the sweetest things to me all of the time!
His dreams are so uber yummy, and he has the ability to control them, which
I find amazing.
He is very smart. He has helped me out many times with school work. He is
so computer savy, though he isn't the best in the kitchen I have heard, at
least when it comes to cooking in the kitchen. He might be really good at
other things happening in the kitchen, I am sure.
He has the ability to make a chick cum in less than 3 minutes! Woohoo! I
have first hand information from a reliable source. I'm gonna have to test
that one out!
He buys his friends the best toys! Just ask around!
His hands are so beautiful, I just could stare at them, hold them, pet
them, and kiss them all day long.
His eyes are so deep and full of good vibe, I wouldn't mind falling into
His hair is so long and silky, I want to wrap up in it.
His lips look so soft and sensual, I want to just keep them pressed against
me forever.
He is wise. He knows the games of people, and knows how to spot them. He
can translate people's false words.
He doesn't put up with anybody's shit! He kicks ass!
He is just so adoreable! And adore, I do!
He is funny as all get out!
He has this vibe which you could just snuggle with all day long and never
want to leave, or sometimes the vibe is just so you want to fuck him all
day long!
He has the best toys to use!
If he loves you, then you are damned lucky!
[Edited on 12/20/2003 by MystryssRavynDarque]
____________________ "People always say what we are looking for is a meaning for life…I don't
think that's what we're looking for. I think what we're looking for is the
experience of being alive." -Joseph Campbell
Posts: 287 Registered: 31/10/2003 Status: Offline
posted on 20/12/2003 at 01:01 AM
Devin's got an amazing sense of humor, he makes people stop and think, he
considers what other people have to say, and he's fun to banter with, when
he isn't too busy...*grin*
____________________ "To Live is to Annoy." -- Rev. Lambert Reilly, Archabbot, St. Meinrad Abbey
Posts: 580 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 20/12/2003 at 01:16 AM
All butt-kissing aside (I make it a policy to at least buy somebody a drink
beforehand), Devin has got to be the most grounded individual ever. He has
an uncanny ability to know exactly the tone of voice you are typing in, and
responds in kind. How he manages to be wise, understanding, approachable
and authoritative in a disembodied format like this one is entirely beyond
me. When all is said and done, all I can say is that I am glad he is
running the show instead of anyone else. Go, Devin!
Posts: 511 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 20/12/2003 at 01:20 PM
Devin is the one you want to spill your heart out to at 3 a.m. because
he'll listen to you, pet you, get you feeling all comfy again, and THEN
give you good advice that is practical and useable.
When you tell Devin a secret you KNOW it will stay secret.
Devin has a way of getting inside your head. Talk to him long enough and
you start saying the same things to each other. I think that's so neat.
Devin has a way of making you feel like you're something special. It's not
anything specific he says or does, it's like sweetness and light pours out
of him and gets inside you and helps you see yourself as beautiful.
Devin fixes people. He can take a scared, shattered soul and two months
later, present to the world a shining, vibey individual who isn't afraid
It makes me happy and glowy knowing that someone like Devin exists in the
world. It was one of the luckiest moments of my life, the day I met him.
Posts: 50 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 21/12/2003 at 09:31 PM
I am the first one to admit that I do not know Devin nearly as well as many
of the rest of you. However, because he is truly one deserving of devotion,
I am going to give this a shot.
Physically The hair Long, silky, sexy, Devin's hair is the kind of
hair that shows up in shampoo ads. So beautiful that it makes me want to
play with it all day and all night long. So long that it brings to mind
ideas of ropes of human hair and silky bondage. The hair in and of itself
is enough to bring any person to the brink of joygasm.
Eyes I have only seen Devin's eyes in pictures. However,
even with just those photos I see a deep knowlege and understanding of the
universe that few have. Enough to draw in any person and get them lost in
the everyday. Pools, wells, oceans that speak of everything behind them.
Body What is there not to say? Sexy, hard, but not too hard,
photogenic, well-proportioned, graceful in movement and appearance,
vicerally exciting, so much what many people hope and wish to be.
Mentally Intelligence Devin is half the age of most who have the
kind of knowlege that he does. Not only book-smart, but world-smart, even
geek-smart, as anyone would have to be to create the kind of community and
universe that is Shmeng.
Understanding The few times that I have talked to Devin
were all when I was younger, much more annoying and confused than I am now.
However, even then, Devin was understanding of what I had to say. He tried
to give what advice he could, and always tolerated me. He seems to have
some kind of inherent understanding of humanity and the way a person's mind
works. No matter if you are 10 or 100, male or female, he can give some
kind of insight on what's going on.
Witty/Clever No matter the topic, person, or situation,
Devin always has some kind of witty comment that can diffuse a tense
situation or lighten up a dark conversation. Beyond having this talent,
though, he knows when to use it, which makes it that much more enviable.
Spiritually VIBES! This is an absolute given. Devin is so vibey that
you just want to take him home and curl up next to him, absorbing all the
vibes he gives out. Not only does he put out vibes, he knows how to use
them, a skill that very few actually have and can use. There are enough
good vibes on this kid to light up New York City during a blackout. Enough
good vibes to help any black-hole soul dig themselves out of the hole they
are in and make themselves a better person.
Caring Devin just seems to care about everybody and
everything. If you need someone to listen, to care about you, to help you,
he is there. This, in and of itself, is deserving of devotion. There is so
much to say that words to it no justice.
Honest The act of being honest is difficult to do. Yet Devin
seems to be able to do it, and do it espically when needed.
Devin has many more qualities, I am sure, but in the end, he is such an
individual that everything will never be said. This is how I see him. And I
hope that all of you (and myself included) get the chance, at some point,
to meet this amazing man.
____________________ Being Passionate is the only way to survive
I know my polishes lack finess, but I do not believe in dishonest
but devin has offered me a home, in a virtual sense... a place where I feel
comfortable actually speaking my mind. (and those that know me can attest
to how rare this is) He has given me a place to dsiplay my art/vanity... an
he would be welcome in my home... (which is more rare than the other
____________________ The earth turns on a tilted axis - just doing the best it can.
Hohenheim of Light~Full Metal Alchemist
Posts: 470 Registered: 23/9/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 22/12/2003 at 09:05 PM
Devin is the only person I've met who is so overwhelming cool that you
don't have to meet him in person to know it.
He is also the only person I've met online that I tell my friends about,
because sometimes it feels like he's in the room with you, even though he's
miles away.
He puts the VI in VIbey, and he does it without conciet.
In short, he's a Bodhistiva of enlightment right here on Shmeng.
____________________ It's like kegel exercises for your throat.~Monolycus
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 759 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 22/12/2003 at 10:08 PM
1.Devin is Vibe - Who he is is who he is, no matter the medium. Who
he is, all of who he is, carries over.
2.Devin is Lucid - If you have the capacity to understand
something, he has the capacity to explain it to you. If you dont, well he
can explain to you why you cant understand it.
3.He knows the difference between what he thinks, what he believes, and
what he knows. - And he knows why there is a difference.
4.He knows who he is - and understands what that means and what
it cost him to get there, and takes the time to help others get there
5.He isn't afraid to admit when he's wrong - Even when it is
something he REALLY doesn't want to be wrong about, he will face it and
look for new options, change his position, or accept the consequences.
6.He knows when to talk and when to listen - He also knows what
to say and when to just enjoy the silence. Catch him at dawn sometime as
see what I mean.
7.He does stupid things - You may not believe it, but i have seen
it. And watched him laugh about it and move on.
8.He is very observant - Not just of what people are doing right
this moment, but also of their circumstances, life habits, and issues. And
he doesn't just see it, he knows what it means.
9.He has a life - Again, you may not believe it, but i have seen
this too. (giggle) He plays music rather well, has a large group of real
life friends and family, oodles of hobbies, and projects. He is a very busy
10.He has standards and priorities - I have seen these in
practice time and time again. And he does differentiate between the
standards he places on himself and those he places on others. And he isnt
hypocritical about it. You should see his castle plans, they rock.
11.He can separate his likes and dislikes from his core personality
- He knows that things change, tastes change, and people change. He
embraces each new love with his whole heart, and when that love is over, he
doesnt hold a grudge. He trys new foods, new music, and new ideas all the
12.He can live by example - An example of that is our Karma
system. Another would be this website, 2 versions ago (or so), his taxes,
and his love life.
13.He can be himself, and can re-evaluate himself as the need arises
- Not only can he, he does. I have been there for a tweeky time with
Devin. I watched him redefine nearly everything about himself.
14.He has huge charisma - People notice him when he is in a room.
That is part vibe and part personality. That way even the hard-of-vibing
can feel him. Its fun to watch him juice it up and try to out do a scorpio
15.He says "shooosh" - This about the cutest thing about him. I
laugh with delight every time he shoooshes me.
16.He expects to win - he knows his worth and is strengths. He
knows when to try with all he has. He knows when to let things slide.
17.He knows how to live his way - for those of you that dont just
get this one, he actually practices what he preaches, achieves the goals
that he sets for himself, and can tell you why he does things the way he
does them.
18.He knows how to sit still - He enjoys the world around him so
much (even sometimes up there in the forsaken town-that-thinks-its-a-city)
that he takes the time to love it. He loves himself enough to spend time
with himself.
19.He has great skin - Not only is it pretty, it glows when he is
happy, like an aura but from inside. Its like watching the sun behind
20.He knows LOTS about LOTS of different things - I am often
amazed at how much he knows about everything from cars (something most
gothboys avoid learning about) to politics of other countries, to what to
grow in a kitchen garden.
I could go on, but i would just end up repeating things that i have said to
him many many times. I know he is a Leo and made for sucking up all the
unclaimed love in the Universe, but he is also a person and needs the love
that is especially for him.
____________________ Real goths wear silver and crosses to keep the werewolves and vampires
Posts: 96 Registered: 29/7/2003 Status: Offline
posted on 27/12/2003 at 10:52 AM
Would that I had the grace with the language and experience with Devin as
so many others here, but I am another one who has known him for but a short
time. In an effort to avoid repeating others (for everything they have said
is true, but you have no need to read it again), I will say this:
Devin, through personal conversation, articles, vibe, comments, this
website, and presence has made me more comfortable with myself--quite a
feat, to be sure. It may not look like much of a polishing for Devin, but
knowing the trouble I've had being in my skin, this is a better compliment
than it appears at first glance.
Thank you, Devin. You are wonderful.
____________________ "I've told you before, I don't comprehend religion, although
conviction is a concept I'm beginning to get. In any case, a person
with a real religious conviction is, I propose, a religious convict,
and deserves locking up."
a poster child for the concept of enlightened self interest...
a bastion of intellectually stmulating conversation in a whirlwind of
____________________ The earth turns on a tilted axis - just doing the best it can.
Hohenheim of Light~Full Metal Alchemist
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 648 Registered: 24/9/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 30/12/2003 at 09:15 AM
One more word:
____________________ "People always say what we are looking for is a meaning for life…I don't
think that's what we're looking for. I think what we're looking for is
experience of being alive." -Joseph Campbell
Posts: 470 Registered: 23/9/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 30/12/2003 at 09:02 PM
Devin can Grok everything.
He is causually subversive.
He is hauntingly beautiful.
He has fantastic grammar and spelling.
He is Real.
____________________ It's like kegel exercises for your throat.~Monolycus
Posts: 246 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 13/1/2004 at 09:58 AM
The most experience that I have of Devin are his pictures and my my, I must
say, If I did not have my darling I would most assuredly be chasing him
through cyberspace.
____________________ When the world is over, will we wonder how it began?