Coward   Posts: 7 Registered: 16/3/2003 Status: Offline
posted on 12/4/2003 at 12:31 PM |
I'm wondering if any one out there in shmeng world can help me? I've
recently been reading up on this new 'up rising' ,if thats the right word.
Its called Dark Paganism and is aimed at reconnecting with the dark aspects
of the pagan religion. I was curious if there are any Dark pagans out there
that could help me expand on what i already know? I'd be greatful for any
help people can offer. ____________________ Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time.
Member   Posts: 170 Registered: 6/6/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 12/4/2003 at 01:47 PM |
I'm a Dark Pagan. What do you already know? A lot, a little? I assume
you already know that it's about balancing between the light and dark of
nature and what sets it aside from 'light pagan's is that ignoring
destructive forces will only hinder your magickal growth. Em, it would be
a little easier if I knew what you already know ____________________ "Pity no one was there
No angels in the air
And the morning paper ran
One more suicide" |
Fanatic   Posts: 241 Registered: 16/7/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 12/4/2003 at 08:18 PM |
My biggest issue with most of the 'Dark Pagans' I've encountered - except
from the lousy attidude many of them sports - is the belief that they can
have 'something for nothing'.
Or that they have found an excuse to indulge in frivoulus sex & drugs for a
'cool' reason.
I am so lucky that I live in a rather small place, where bullshit is easily
detected, and the so called organized 'Dark Pagans' are a relatively level
headed and intellectual group of people. IF I understand the term 'Dark
Pagan' correct, of course, I would't mind some explanation on that!
(Sorry, I'm an ignorant foreigner )
I have the impression that the US (if that is where you live) have plenty
of more-or-less organised pagan societies to consult - maybe if you 'shop
around' - and try to remember to check the facts you are presented with,
and remember to hold on to your own beliefs & ideas, you'll find someone to
guide you.
Other than that, I agree with the latter speaker, present where you're at,
and I'm sure there are many here with views and experience. ____________________ All stressed out and no one to choke...

Fanatic   Posts: 293 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 13/4/2003 at 12:42 PM |
AHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. im sorry but dark pagan? that sounds really really
really fake and made up. and not only that, there are pagans that practice
Dark and Light magic. If your gonna say your "Dark" pagan, why not say
your a satanist or just plain pagan. Because There really is no "Dark
paganism" That just sounds like a pagan trying to sound like a evil harry
potter or something.
You should really just read alot of pagan material and pick and choose what
you want to practice should you decide to become a pagan. Trust me tho..
dont call yourself a dark pagan. It doesnt make sense...
Sorry, didnt mean to be so offensive sounding but i used to practice and i
have a great deal of friends who are real pagans and take thier beliefs
seriously.. ____________________ "Thou shalt not be afraid of the dark, nor of graveyards nor ghosts nor the
devil, for thou art scarey and mean." -The Goth commandments
Extreme Fanatic   Posts: 856 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 13/4/2003 at 01:45 PM |
For some reason this forum reminded me of that Dragnet movie Dan Akroyd was
in a ways back, heh heh. What in tarnation is a Dark Pagan? Sort of sounds
like something from a cheesy anime'
Although don't get me wrong, and qoute, I fully endorse everyone's
religions/faiths/whatevah cause they're cool and fun even if they do sound
dumb. 'sides, isn't Pagan like a mishmash of a whole bunch of crap anyways?
And what does a dark Pagan do? Sacrifice babies to Cernunnos and the
Huntsman? For what?
>Shrug< I think we should all be know they clone people! ____________________ In the valley of the Goats, the Goat Fucker is King |
Fanatic   Posts: 293 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 13/4/2003 at 02:50 PM |
Dark pagan sounds like something from that goth talk skit on saterday night
-snicker- ____________________ "Thou shalt not be afraid of the dark, nor of graveyards nor ghosts nor
devil, for thou art scarey and mean." -The Goth commandments
Member   Posts: 96 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 14/4/2003 at 12:24 PM |
Actually, Court.. there are dark pagans. It has nothing to do with evil or
satanisim or anything like that. Most of them take their beliefs just as
seriously as any other real pagan. You really shouldn't offhandedly dismiss
something if you don't really know what you are talking about. ____________________ She who dies with the most toys wins! |
Fanatic   Posts: 293 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 14/4/2003 at 02:27 PM |
Actually, i do know what im talking about because i know a great deal of
pagans and used to practice myself. I have never heard of "dark paganism".
it doesnt really make sense to me at all only because most pagans state
themselves as just that. pagans.
It struck me as funny and i didnt mean to be offensive. ____________________ "Thou shalt not be afraid of the dark, nor of graveyards nor ghosts nor
devil, for thou art scarey and mean." -The Goth commandments
Extreme Fanatic   Posts: 856 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 14/4/2003 at 03:23 PM |
If you practice beliefs that balance both the Light aspect of a religion
and the Dark aspect of a religion, in equal amounts....why the Hell would
you call yourself a Dark Pagan?
look at Darth Vader and Yoda...Yoda was a Jedi, Darth was a frickin' Sith.
Two specifically different things...stemming from two ends of a
Dark Pagan sounds like a stupid assed and imbalanced name for a belief
that espouses any sort of "Balance." especially if they aspire to the
crowleyism of that special K on the end of magic. If they apsired for
balance between the forces, they'd take a middle ground...but Dark Pagan
sounds like something an angst-ridden teen would come up so he could scare
the bullies at school.
We should all be fucking Raeliens... ____________________ In the valley of the Goats, the Goat Fucker is King |
Extreme Fanatic   Posts: 856 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 14/4/2003 at 03:25 PM |
and honestly...that was meant to be offensive. When stupidity rears it's
head, I tend to say something about i. I apologize if I hurt anyones
feeling. ____________________ In the valley of the Goats, the Goat Fucker is King |
Fanatic   Posts: 241 Registered: 16/7/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 14/4/2003 at 03:27 PM |
Uhm, so let me get this straight - the Slytherins, they were Dark Pagans,
____________________ All stressed out and no one to choke...

Extreme Fanatic   Posts: 856 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 14/4/2003 at 03:33 PM |
I loved thos guys...the only problem I had with all those books was that
weird pornographic name for that game they played...seriously.
____________________ In the valley of the Goats, the Goat Fucker is King |
Member   Posts: 96 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 14/4/2003 at 09:22 PM |
Thantos.. If you'd like, you can email my husband at [email protected].
He might be able to help you.
To the rest of you.. I'm sorry you are closed-minded about it. I won't
argue anmymore about it tho.. because it will only lead to mean things
said. Most likely on both sides. Perhaps before you all go joking about
things.. you should look it up a bit. You might learn something.
'Nuff said on my part. ____________________ She who dies with the most toys wins! |
Occasional Poster   Posts: 21 Registered: 13/6/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 15/4/2003 at 10:23 AM |
VampCourt, Ianthe99, if I may be so bold... First, there is no one pagan
religion as suggested in the first question. Beyond that, there are many
belief and practice systems that are followed, modified, and disregarded by
many people. I have attended circle where no two people had the same
system, even though a few would call themselves by a certain name or know
some of the same rituals.
Further, each system of belief can be practiced from more than one path,
which further varies the picture. You could then have a Dark/Left
Hand/whatever Asatruan who goes to circle with a Light/Right Hand/whatever
Wiccan and they get along. To me, this getting along bit is what is most
valuable about pagan religions and paths since it seems unique to them. I
am sure that I do not have to remind you all how poorly the monotheistic
religions have interacted with other religions over time.
If I remember correctly, VampCourt and Ianthe99 are from different
geographical areas to boot, which means that there could be a group in VC's
area that calls itself Gothic Wiccans while a nearly identical group in
I99's area calls itself Dark Pagans. It cannot be said that Ianthe99 does
not know what she is talking about, because she knows what she sees and is
in the area in question. At this point it is a question of names and
quibbling over them.
Finally, it is impossible to prove the negative of something, so VampCourt
is taking an indefensible position from the beginning.
You both know what you are talking about, and your answers are right for
you. |
Extreme Fanatic   Posts: 856 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 15/4/2003 at 10:38 AM |
A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet?
You know, if a rose wasn't called a'd still, well be a rose?
Are you retarded?
No moron...I'm just saying, if we called a rose something else,
like...uh...a Nacho...what would it smell like?
A nacho?
Shit... ____________________ In the valley of the Goats, the Goat Fucker is King |
Fanatic   Posts: 293 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 15/4/2003 at 02:50 PM |
im not being close minded about it. im just saying that ive always learned
that pagans dont normally like having labels. Wether their paths are dark
or not. they have always referred to themselves as JUST pagan.
im not repeating myself again. jee whiz-zickers.  ____________________ "Thou shalt not be afraid of the dark, nor of graveyards nor ghosts
devil, for thou art scarey and mean." -The Goth commandments
Fanatic   Posts: 376 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 16/4/2003 at 06:08 AM |
Doesn't the fact that Ianthe99 and DarkMistress both know of 'Dark
Paganism' mean that NOT all Pagans refer to themselves as 'just' Pagan.
Anyhow, 'Dark Paganism' is no more of a label than 'Gardenerian' or
'Dianic' - and there are plenty of Pagans who call themselves those. ____________________ Do not fear death so much, but rather the inadequate life. |
Extreme Fanatic   Posts: 856 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 16/4/2003 at 07:48 AM |
ah dammit! Every time I get feeling really good about being a clever type
of asshole someone comes along and bursts my little bubble of hate and
At least she's a total hottie though, and smart to.
: uts his
swords down...again:: ____________________ In the valley of the Goats, the Goat Fucker is King |
Fanatic   Posts: 344 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 16/4/2003 at 02:10 PM |
To: Dolo
Movie: Dragnet
Q: pagan? ......A: P.A.G.A.N.- People Against Goodness And Normalcy
I have to agree with VampCourt 'dark pagan' does sound repetitive. ____________________ co-worker: "Your gay!?"
myself: "Didn't you see my rainbow pin?"
co-worker: "I just thought you liked skettles."
-(yes, it actually happened to me) |
Fanatic   Posts: 376 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 16/4/2003 at 03:03 PM |
Oh, but Dolo, you look so cute with swords... in my mind... and let's not
get into too much detail about *that* image. Heh heh. Mmmm, swords...
Dead-cell: I think "Would you like a copy of The Watchtower?" gets a lot
more 'repetitive'. 
____________________ Do not fear death so much, but rather the inadequate life. |