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Username: |
VampCourt |
Registered: |
1/1/70 (0.01 messages per day) |
Posts: |
293 (1.26% of total posts.) |
Status: |
Member |
Rank Status: |
Last active: |
14/2/2005 at 03:07 PM |
Last Post In: |
It Happened... on 3/11/2004 at 01:08 PM |
Site: |
http://www.geocities.com/vampcourt/index.html?1017202482720 |
Aim: |
MinervaFIXX |
ICQ: |
:Vinyl:GrrL: |
Yahoo: |
Vampcourt |
Location: |
The East coast |
Bio: |
Shoveling out Sarcasm |
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