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Author: Subject: Bloodlines

Extreme Fanatic

Posts: 856
Registered: 31/12/1969
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  posted on 6/12/2002 at 08:47 PM
Alright, a lot of times, someone's cultural bloodlines can actually tell you a lot about them. The classic stereotypes being Irish = drunk, Scot = violent, Brit = snooty, Canadian = uh..., French = romantic and hot if your a chick, kinda' fruity if your a guy...and so on and so forth. Now generally of course, this stereotypes are nothing more than that...but occasionally there is some truth to them, cultural bloodlines are an important and interesting part of someones genetic-psychological profile. I wanna' know what your bloodlines are, and what they say about you.

Now me, I have a healthy chunk of Eastern European, Irish and more than a little Blackfeet American, near as I can figure, I have a dark sense of humor, a tendancy to get wasted and musical, and in fights...I go in screaming and come out with a scalp or two (and yes I know the Americans started that practice, the Feets just perfected it). But those are the only three I know of, the rest of my bloodline is kinda' smokey. So how about everybody else...
I've got a running bet in my head that we have more than a little Scot-Irish bloods around.


In the valley of the Goats, the Goat Fucker is King


Extreme Fanatic

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  posted on 6/12/2002 at 09:22 PM
Okay well my family comes from Ireland (I'm actually the American of the family, since I have no other heritage, it's fairly easy to work out the stereotypes):

Belligerent *
Loudmouth *
Egotistical *
Angry *

These are common stereotypes of the Irish and my family meets them all. I however meet only those marked by an asterisk however it all depends on what mood I'm in.



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  posted on 6/12/2002 at 11:01 PM
Im Irish and German......

I have been singing this song all day

Face down in the gutter wont admit defeat
His clothes all soiled and black
He's a big strong man with a childs mind, dont ya take his booze away!

Bad temper espicially when intoxicated, love to drink, go to shows, get violent, will kill anyone that messes with the ones I love, faithful and loyal...hmm I am sure there is more but my eyes are tired and my brain is frozen!


Extreme Fanatic

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  posted on 7/12/2002 at 12:58 AM
Ah dropkick murpheys!!!!

I"m a friggin mutt. I don't know where the hell I'm "from". My dad's family tree literally drops off the face of the earth around 1890 (they're from virginia..go fig) and on my mother's side I do know that I have blood relatives in Wales, and my great grandmother on her side was Belgan...she met my great grandpa during WWI. Michael calls me a "half assed bastard french" *snicker*
A family member on my mother's side published a book on our family tree (I have it somewhere) and of course, my picture is in it, and of course, the worst friggin one I've ever had taken which she says is "so cute!". Not only was it awful, but outdated even when she sent it in 10 years ago.

I don't know what my deal is...I drink and fight like the irish, scream like the scottish, bitch like the british, behave like a german, and my favorite breakfast food is waffles (thanks great grandma!).

I figure I"m just another example of crossing podunk constantly migrating southern hillbillies and snobby eurotrash. With waffles. And strawberries.
I have no excuse! *whine*


Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas.


Extreme Fanatic

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  posted on 7/12/2002 at 01:06 AM
I actually heard a really funny comedy bit once by this woman about "ethnic origins/behaviors"
It started with the idea of how when people go missing we assume they're dead, right?
She figures the same thing happens with goldfish....all their buddies in the ocean are figuring they're dead, when in reality they're in a tank somewhere in an "opposite dimention".
So when we disappear, we end up in alien terrariums...and here's what they have to say.

"Hey man look at that irish one, he's drinkin again, that chinese critter won't stop screamin at everyone and the mexican one passes out every day at three o'clock!"

then on to

"Aw, look what happens when we give them alcohol...Woah man, check out the mick, that little irish one is still goin at it even after all the other little guys fell down!"

I work with an irish/jew (who refers to himself as YENteel) and I"ve never met a more successful drunk in my life. This man literally can't function without booze. Not at work, but I can always tell when he hasn't been drinking in a while. It doesnt affect his life, his ability to work or function, his relationships, he is just stayin "true" to his "roots" as he puts it. "I'm a fucking mick....it's like gas in a car...I don't have it, I don't run"

I think I'll dig out that book my mom has on our lineage and see if I can scrounge something up that doesn't suck....hmm.


Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas.



Posts: 522
Registered: 6/7/2002
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  posted on 7/12/2002 at 01:53 AM
Short tempered
Likes to knock back a few bottles when he can get them.

Puerto Rican, German, Spanish, I'm mixed up pretty well. My ma's Puerto Rican with family from Spain, my pop, he's...everything.


but at least you know, just how much pain there is in living


Posts: 178
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  posted on 7/12/2002 at 05:36 AM
Hmmm, see like I say - a huge lot of people from the USA are actually Europeans...

My family, from what I know, is partially Polish nobility plus Hungarian and Romanian knights - they mixed a bit during wars and stuff...
I managed to trace it all the way back to the year about 1550 in old books and registers from those times...



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Registered: 13/7/2002
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  posted on 7/12/2002 at 10:21 AM
heh, everyone that's not native american came from some other country somewhere along the line. simple as that.

I always just tell everyone I'm a mutt. On those standardized tests where they ask your ethnictisity, i always draw in another bubble that says "mutt".

really, though, as far as i know, i'm mostly german and french, with hints of irish and british along the line. There may be some indian or native american thrown in there a few generations over. my grandma was telling me about me much but i don't really remember.



Extreme Fanatic

Posts: 1570
Registered: 31/12/1969
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  posted on 7/12/2002 at 10:35 PM
Actually, native americans had to get here from somewhere too...ie: the siberian land bridge during the last ice age when the oceans were reduced and a strip of land linking siberia/asia with the north american continet. They are actually decendents of migrating/game following asian tribes that, like all animals, continued to evolve separately when the oceans rose and closed off the routes. Before that land strip was opened up, North America was vacant. So in essence, they weren't always here, they were just here FIRST by accident.
I watched a super fun special on this on the discovery channel...quite interesting, very informative. Some of it was speculative of course, as we'll never know the true way things happened, but with the advent of genetics they are able to trace genetic markers all over the globe to in essence, "See" where people came from, and where their heritage may in fact lie. There was a caucasian woman from australia in a study group for this program, and a full blooded native american man. They both shared some exact same genetic markers, linking them to a common ancestor in asia.
Wierd, huh? That most of us at one time in our family history shared a common ancestor or two crossing race, ethnic, and social boundaries?


Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas.


Extreme Fanatic

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Registered: 27/5/2002
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  posted on 8/12/2002 at 02:27 AM
So in theory, many of us are distantly inbred? Actually, if yoo buy into Biblical creationism, we're all descended from the same two people TWICE! (once from the Garden of Eden, and once from the Great Flood) Meaning we're all inbred and thus the product of sin.

Extreme Fanatic

Posts: 856
Registered: 31/12/1969
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  posted on 8/12/2002 at 08:14 AM
Indiands didn't come here by a siberian landbridge! Grandfather Coyote made 'em out of a lil' iron pot, he stuck all sorts of crap in there and stirred it with his tail...thats right, the native's sprung fresh off a coyote's ass like Athena from Zues' forehead...word.
And if in fact we are all decended from two prime creatures, I wonder what magnificent specimens of existance they must have been, since we must all be so ferociously inbred that we are essentially drooling genetic catastrophes waiting to die...
Apparently they weren't good enough not to screw up things royally, so I guess thats always been gegentically inherent.
I never could figure it out myself, which means I just don't understand it enough yet...must hunt for more puzzle-pieces...
One of my favorite past-times is, and will always be, silently trying to guess the mixture of tribes in someone I have just met...a curiosity really...
Pap padda-funi funi pap-padda hoi hoi. (ten bucks goes to whoever figures that one...)


In the valley of the Goats, the Goat Fucker is King



Posts: 8
Registered: 23/10/2002
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  posted on 8/12/2002 at 12:42 PM

yeah i drink...
i bully my men around...
but im cute when i do it =)


Extreme Fanatic

Posts: 1570
Registered: 31/12/1969
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  posted on 8/12/2002 at 11:29 PM
hehehe perhaps YOU were born off a coyote's bum, pal....but that just makes you SPECIAL. As much of a realist as I am, I DO adore "mythology" (of course it's not a "myth" if someone really truly BELIEVES mind you)...greek, native american, nordic, egyptian, african....I just love reading all the stories of how the earth and human beings were created, how they explain the sun rising and setting, the stars, the moon, the seasons....such simply understood concepts to us now, but back then...the creativity it took to think of such wonderful tales to give answers to questions as why is the sky blue? Why does the sun cross the sky? Imagine being alive hundreds, THOUSANDS of years ago, when those questions were seriously heavy stuff, not common place knowledge taught to grade school children.

I was really caught up in the "kenewick man" ordeal here in washington....how a couple of boys found an ancient skeleton that was finally unearthed by the washing of a riverbed. The oldest skeleton found in the country, I believe. The local native americans wanted it burried properly with consideration to the local tribes and their customs, believing it was the remains of an ancient ancestor of theirs...until they discovered it was possibly the remains of a caucasian, not native amercian. The idea that a caucasian male was present, even if only ONE, at the time in history when he died (several hundreds of years ago) is ENORMOUS. Until then NOBODY thought that caucasian peoples had ever set foot on the "new world" until the vikings or the spaniards "discovered" it long ago.

As for the whole "inbred thing"...yeah, perhaps...some more than others. It's not necessarily "inbred" perse, but just that at one time in history we have a large chance of sharin a common ancestor of some sort, crossing racial and ethnic boundaries. The story of "adam and eve" is a prevalant one in more than just the judeo/xian faiths...there are several stories of "the first one", the first human, and perhaps it is simply an ingrained racial memory of our first ancestors that "made it over the hump". A story passed down and down and changed and changed so much that the story itself isn't important, but the idea of it. A sort of genetic memory of the begining.
Can you tell how much discovery channel I used to watch? *lol* WAY too much if you ask me.


Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas.


Extreme Fanatic

Posts: 658
Registered: 27/5/2002
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  posted on 8/12/2002 at 11:47 PM
Yoo know, I have a cousin from this small town called Innsmouth in New England. He's really ugly and smells like fish (to prove the stereotype), I always thought it was because of the inbreeding that goes on there but apparently...


Posts: 149
Registered: 31/12/1969
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  posted on 9/12/2002 at 01:33 AM
My family claim to fame (which, based on his earlier post I think Devon will appreciate) is that my dad's side of the family was involved in the second bloodiest feud in Kentucky.

Most people have heard of the Hatfields and McCoys (the bloodiest feud in Kentucky - depending on who you ask), but if you do a little research you find the Martin/Tolliver feud on the history books as well. Sometimes it is referred to as the "Rowan County War." (Pronounced "Rown" by the locals.)

In the 1880's John Martin (I believe my great-great uncle) killed Floyd Tolliver in a bar room brawl. (Some claim it was politics, but according to my dad it was a dispute involving livestock as the Martins were notorious horse thieves- go figure.) John Martin turned up mysteriously assassinated a few days later. The feud began, and didn't end despite the military being deployed by the state governor in a effort to stop the killings. I think the end total was 20 killed and 16 seriously wounded.

After my grandmother died my dad found a receipt for an order of 100 Winchester rifles that were picked up by the Martins from Cincinnati. There have been a few small books and a pretty funny song written about it:


Many of those involved ended up fleeing Rowan County, my grandmother’s parents included. My dad went to visit relatives on his mom’s side of the family in the early 70’s, and they did not have an indoor toilet. Unfortunately by the time I was old enough to care about this kind of stuff, many of them were dead.

Now...if feuds aren't goth as fuck, I don't know what is.

Besides Hick, I also have English/Scottish, German, and lots of Italian blood floatin' around in my body.


Wind me up and make me crawl to you, tie me up until I call to you.


Extreme Fanatic

Posts: 618
Registered: 27/9/2002
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  posted on 9/12/2002 at 05:51 AM
Let's see...

We can start out with a little bit of English...to get that snooty assinine effect started.
Then move right on along to a little Scottish for some flair and a little bit of bloodlust.
Next we have a bit of Irish, for the mythical airy effect, as demonstrated by my momentary lapses of coherant thought. Finally finishing up with a bit of German for that nice drunken slut- but she don't care- attitude that's always so becoming.
Oh yes, and a lot of American, for that screw you we're the best and meaning it attitude that permeates my everyday life.

Thank you for your time.


"When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before." ~Mae West



Posts: 511
Registered: 31/12/1969
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  posted on 9/12/2002 at 10:13 AM
Let's see... My paternal grandmother is full blooded Czech, my paternal grandfather is German. They came here from the "old countries" and got married... so my dad is half-Czech, half-German. My mom says on her side, I'm french, german, dutch and english.. which means she has no idea. She says that one of our ancestors was a french duke who came here during the french revolution to avoid the guillotine, but she's a great teller of tales, so anything she says can be assumed to be fiction. I guess I'm mostly german with a quarter Czech, and a smattering of other things...

My dad's family are all devout catholics, they drink like fish, and they're all crazy. My mom's family are all agnostic/protestant (non-practicing christians) some drink like fish, and they're all crazy.

I have no idea how the stereotypical czech acts, or german for that matter...
but I'm religiously eclectic, drink like a fish (sometimes) and am struggling to not be crazy.


Extreme Fanatic

Posts: 1570
Registered: 31/12/1969
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  posted on 9/12/2002 at 02:26 PM
Kira, that is so friggin RAD.
Feuding is goth as fuck. How awesome is THAT?!

I had a guy in my store the other day, in his fourties and middleclass looking, and he paid with a creditcard. I noticed his unusual last name printed on it: "clinkingbeard".
I asked him about it, commenting on what a neat last name he had, and he was like "wanna know where it comes from? I'm not lying either, I have my familly history at home and I was a shocked to find out as you will be."
I was like "sure!"
So he proceeded to tell me that a couple hundred years ago, a great x somethingorother grandfather of his was a PIRATE!
He had a ship, was notorious and murderous, and he used the name "clinkingbeard" because he had a long long beard that was divided into two braids, and every time he boarded and pillaged another ship, he punched a hole in a coin from that same unfortunate ship and strung it on his beard, and it made a continuous clinking noise when he moved, hence the name "clinkingbeard". When he finally retired his pirating days, he kept his original first name and adopted his old seagoing name as his surname, which was passed down and down and down to this guy and his family!

when he was done I was just staring at him, and he said "You don't believe me do you?"
And all I could say was "that is the coolest fucking thing I've ever heard. Your name RULES."
He laughed and said that people rarely believed him, but he said he had a family tree that proved it true.
How friggin rad is that?!

I don't think I have anything colorful in my family history, other than my great grandfather bein in WWI and WWII.

I wish *I* had pirates too


Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas.



Posts: 598
Registered: 24/8/2002
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  posted on 9/12/2002 at 03:30 PM
Let me see here...
Im Irish, Scottish, German, Slovac, and according to rumor, I have a wee bit of English mixed in.
On the Irish side, we can trace back half of the family founders to a Viking guy and his homies, and on the Slovac side, if you go back a few greats, you find the Mongols.
So when it all boils down, I'm genetically drunk and constantyl fighting urges to hop on my pony and raid a village.


Okay, dazzle me.


Extreme Fanatic

Posts: 856
Registered: 31/12/1969
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  posted on 9/12/2002 at 05:27 PM
Ahh Merry, my little Mongol Love Muffin...

Hey Bettie, I've always wanted to be a Pirate, wanna' get a crew together and sink cruise ships? We can even make up our own pirate names, I wanna be Dolo the Long Knife, eh heh heh heh...


In the valley of the Goats, the Goat Fucker is King

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