KGRG Green River benifit show, I was 15, 1995, play list:
North american bison
The next one I went to was when I was 16, and it was in buckley of all
places. Funny thing is michael was at that show too
Salon Betty and the big hair sex circus
Tho the benifit was my first show, salon betty was the first BEST show Iīd
been too.
By far, the Bauhaus "resurrection" tour of ī98 is my all time top
well as me and michaelīs first real "date"..if staring at each other across
a taco bell table in auburn doesnīt count
____________________ Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas.
Posts: 96 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 2/9/2002 at 08:21 PM
I was 18 and it was... err.. *CoughJackylCough*. Lol.. I really liked
them.. and it was free. Type O Negative opened for them, and, at the time,
I hated *them*. Stupid me. Iīm kicking myself now.. I was like *thisclose*
to Peter Steele! I wound up on stage at the end of the show! It was really
____________________ She who dies with the most toys wins!
Posts: 522 Registered: 6/7/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 2/9/2002 at 09:03 PM
Christ I canīt even remember was probably a underground punk show
in Philli, a few years ago. Iīve been going to shows for two or three years
*happy that he saw oxymorons friday last week.*
I loves to mosh.
Oh god..The Crystal the Hollywood Paladium....heh...woooo go
techno!!! :razz: :razz:
____________________ "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. I'm a schizophrenic, and so am I".
Posts: 149 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 3/9/2002 at 12:27 AM
Get ready to fall down laughing...
my first concert was Aerosmith.
____________________ Wind me up and make me crawl to you, tie me up until I call to you.
Posts: 241 Registered: 16/7/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 3/9/2002 at 02:54 AM
Iīve been going to every weird concert I could find since I was allowed to
take the bus on my own, but the one that changed my life, so to speak, was
the "Black Celebration Tour" - Depeche Mode.
I had never dreamed that somthing like that feeling existed - the punch,
the pulse, the larger-than-life overwhelming mass-suggession... The
lights, the pounding bass in my chest and stomach... And Dave Gahanīs
later famous spin at "A Question Of Time"...
From that moment I knew that music was going to be my life... I donīt
think Iīve ever had that feeling again later, sometimes I miss it a lot,
like the very first time you have really mindblowing sex. Since then Iīve
been on stage many times myself, and damn, thatīs a kick, too!
Just remembered - at the mentioned concert, I actually went backstage, the
starry-eyed, big-haired brat I was... And all I could think of asking was
if they knew The Alarm, my past favourite band... :-P
And to anyone who saw Bauhaus: Donīt tell me all the good bands play in
Europe :smile:
____________________ All stressed out and no one to choke...
Posts: 289 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 3/9/2002 at 08:58 AM
I was thirteen, Debbie Harry (Blondie) opened for the Ramones and Tom Tom
Club closed the show. Iīll never forget the sun setting over the edge of
the Greek theatre as, after getting all psyched up watching Debbie Harry
practically strip on stage, The Ramones stepped into the fading light and
lit a fire in my brain.
____________________ It is only through the lack of sex that humanity derives the need for an
all encompassing blind love. And in that moment of extreme horniness with
no relief in sight, in that moment can be found the birth of religion.
Posts: 248 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 3/9/2002 at 09:25 AM
dude my firrst concert was a friggn hanson concert when I was 12! i really
enjoyed it then now I wish I knew what i was thinking..mmmbop! :-o
____________________ My Life is like a porno-Without the sex-Just the weird music
Posts: 463 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 3/9/2002 at 10:01 AM
My first concert was either Gwar or Aerosmith, not sure which came first.
Aerosmith was good, it just sounded too scripted. Gwar was great though.
Went to Respect on Saturday.
They threw the diaper guy out for "jerkin it" as it was said to me, and as
to who the diaper guy is, well he is the guy who shows up to all the
Halloween or fetish shows in a diaper, I think heīs about 50 or so. Scary
____________________ Sometimes I dream about dinosaurs shopping for cargo shorts at the Gap.
Does that make me a bad person?
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 893 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 3/9/2002 at 11:16 AM
Yeah, my first -attempt- to go to a concert was Santa Anita. Five bucks to
get in, and I think it was Weezer or Blink and some other cool bands. But
we didnīt have a ride, so we couldnīt go.
I guess my first concert was at my friendīs house... Had like five punk
bands playing in his living room. The music wasnīt that great, but this
drunk girl kept hugging me. Thatīs all I remember. ;-)
____________________ Piggy's got the Conch!
Posts: 499 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 3/9/2002 at 12:16 PM
I donīt go to concerts (except Iron Maiden), I go to festivals. Ive been to
Leeds, Reading, Glastonbury and Roskilde a few times. My first was Leeds
____________________ Light is changing to shadow, and casting a shroud over all we have known.
Posts: 293 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 3/9/2002 at 12:39 PM
my first concert. Okay. laugh. I saw Green day in concert. when i was a
freshman in highschool.
WORST concert EVER.
And dying your hair with kool aid? dont do it. *nods*
____________________ "Thou shalt not be afraid of the dark, nor of graveyards nor ghosts nor the
devil, for thou art scarey and mean." -The Goth commandments
Kat you brought to mind the depeche mode concert I did get to go
to...michael waited in line for an HOUR and then at the last minute all
these garth brookes fans showed up at the LAST MINUTE and they did a
lotterly, landing him at the ass end of the line and scoring us halfway
nosebleed tickets
But even from our seats, it was so goddamned awesome, they did THREE
encores, finally exhausted they ended with "just canīt get enough" and i
think the crowd collectively pissed itself!
Iīm not much of a type O fan, but I have to admit that peter steele is one
And as close as you were to him, I was that close to peter fucking
murphy....imagine a dark music hall in seattle (the paramont for anyone
that knows the area)...a tense, anxious crowd of ALL age ranges, waiting in
absolute dark for five minutes when out of the disorienting darkness you
hear stage right david jīs bass thrumming out the opening chords to "bela
lugosiīs dead" for a WHOLE MINUTE. You could FEEL the tension and
AWE....and then one light, peter murphy, and you realise the band had been
there since the lights went down...waiting...loving it, loving the crowd,
in silence. When peter appeared the SURGE towards the stage was
UNREAL...the whole night was unreal.
This band broke up when I was TWO! And there I was, 18, all but able to
touch cultural icons!
Michaelīs got me beat tho...heīs touched peter murphy, been right up about
three feet from him, and talked to David J at the aerospace when he did a
dj stint there. He was also at the last love and rockets show.
Heīs got some years on me, and experiences on me, but the bauhaus show will
be enough to last me a LIFETIME.
ANYONE that gets to see a concert for the first time, or just their
FAVORITE artists, knows how it feels...not just in them, but the feel of
all those around them all focused intently on one thing.
The music that changed their lives.
Call me a lame ass (Youīre a lame ass!) Iīve never, ever ever seen the
cure. Ever. Iīm a cure freak. Never saw them. I wonīt die until I"ve
seen them.
____________________ Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas.
Occasional Poster
Posts: 22 Registered: 25/7/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 4/9/2002 at 02:46 AM
Mine was a Beck concert. My brother got the tickets for me. Iīve never been
a very big fan of Beck, but it was cool. He made a nice show and things
really took off, especially when he played "Loser".
____________________ "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the
human mind to correlate its contents." - H.P.Lovecraft
Posts: 241 Registered: 16/7/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 4/9/2002 at 02:52 AM
Hey Lenore, do I know you???
(Yeah, I know, curiosity killed the Kat etc etc)
And ībout mr. Steele - sure, but he is rather ... stupid ... though! Major
____________________ All stressed out and no one to choke...
Posts: 241 Registered: 16/7/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 4/9/2002 at 02:56 AM
Oh yeah, forgot - Bettie, your story confirmed my suspicion: Garth Brooks
fans should be shot at sight. I worked long enough in a record shop to
know... :-x
____________________ All stressed out and no one to choke...
____________________ "Thou shalt not be afraid of the dark, nor of graveyards nor ghosts nor
devil, for thou art scarey and mean." -The Goth commandments
Posts: 96 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 4/9/2002 at 04:36 PM
I wish KISS would come around again.. I didnīt get to see them for their
____________________ She who dies with the most toys wins!
Posts: 580 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 4/9/2002 at 09:13 PM
Black Watch. Interesting show. 8-)
____________________ "I believe that woman is planning to shoot me again."
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