The Playdate
Date Thursday, April 25, 2024 - 02:31 AM PST
Topic Smut

I looked down and adjusted my cleavage for the umpteenth time, then looked at the digital readout on the microwave. Five minutes of seven. Any time now.

It was hard to keep my mind cool and collected. I felt, not like a fish out of water, but like the first evolutionary fish that somehow developed the ability to breathe air, and flopped for the first time onto the muddy shore, levering its way with clumsy fins. I was in my element, but outside of my experience.

I hoped I had reached the right level of sexiness without descending into complete skankiness. I was supposed to be the liberated older woman, welcoming with ripe and experienced arms the arranged advances of the libidinous young buck who should be knocking on my door at any moment. Someone neither cheap nor innocent. I glanced down at myself, time number umpteen-plus-one.

I liked what I saw, the plunging neckline of my black tanktop, placket unbuttoned, not quite concealing the delicate lace of my scarlet bra. My breasts were full and pale, pressed together as if they enjoyed the feel of each other. My black skirt clung to my curves and flared out just below my knees, showing fishnet-encased calves. In a sudden impulse, I had kicked off my high heels. Somehow, the vulnerable feeling of being stocking-foot felt appropriate. The young man who should be arriving shortly had an innocent feel to him, as if he were unaccustomed to making rendevous with women he had never met before. "He is probably as nervous as I," I thought. I hoped there would be something disarming about the sight of me unshod.

I pressed my hands together and stretched the tendons in my wrists deeply, fighting the tension... breathed in slowly through my nose and out through pursed lips. Then it came - the knock on the door - three quick raps, distinct but not hard. I gathered my jumbled emotions, shaped them into an attitude of seductive welcome, and opened the door.

He was tall - I came scarcely to his shoulder, and he was just beginning to get the breadth of maturity would come to him fully in a couple more years. He looked almost impossibly boyish. Although I knew him to be of legal age, I still felt a twinge of guilt. "Jail-bait," I thought. "I'm a fucking cradle-robber." The wisp of facial hair only served to make him seem younger.

He held himself well - walked with a feigned confidence, but his long-lashed hazel eyes belied his nervousness. He held out a well-formed hand. "Hi, I'm Cody," he said.

I grasped his hand and held it without shaking it. "Hello, Cody. I'm Vanessa." I drew him in and closed the door behind him. His eyes were on me. I felt them run over my body, head to toes. His eyes grew wide as his gaze brushed over my bosom, but I felt them soften a little as he glimpsed my netted toes. As his eyes came up to mine, I saw a sparkle of confidence in them that was not there when he walked through the door. "Good," I thought. "I was right."

I met his eyes for a few moments, savoring the electricity like a mouthful of wine. I still held Cody's hand. For a moment, I felt my courage forsake me, and then I remembered. I was the older woman. The Mrs. Robinson. The Stifler's mom. It was my job to be in charge of the situation. To play the role. To seduce. I brought his hand up to my face, to the smooth skin of my cheek and laid it there in a caressing motion. He cupped my face, fingers molding themselves to the curve of it as I reached up and traced the back of my fingers along his jawline. I raised my other hand to his arm, and felt his muscles tighten and tremble. "Shall we begin?" I asked softly.

His free arm moved quickly as if released from a slingshot and grasped me tightly at the back of my waist as his hand lifted my face to his. Our bodies crashed together and his soft, red, almost childlike mouth took mine. His breath came hard in the back of his throat and my neck bent under the force of his kiss. "Good... very good..." a far corner of my mind found the coherence to think, and then I released coherence and wound my hands behind his head and plunged deep into the bottomless well that was his kiss.

It lasted, oh, I don't know - it felt like half an age. I drank the kiss dry, and then he lifted his head to look down at me again. My eyes were soft and I felt floaty, as if I would drift up to the ceiling if his arms weren't holding me so close. I suddenly became aware of the growing pressure of his erection. Nine and a half inches, my too-long-absent husband had informed me. I giggled and rubbed my body ever so slightly against the hardness of it. He grinned ear-to-ear... a heart-melting expression that had so much of the boy of it, and yet held a glint that was all man.

I pulled free from his grasp, took his hand again, and led him into my bedroom.

This article comes from Shmeng

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