Chivalry vs. Chauvinism
Date Thursday, April 25, 2024 - 12:30 PM PST
Topic Rant

Well, being chivalrous and being chauvinistic are pretty much worlds apart, but the thing that brings them together is the fact that both are sexist. Your typical chauvinist pig isn't exactly a master at subtlety, and the sexual discrimination is frank, up front and in your face. The men who consider themselves gentlemen don't seem to realise the sexism they're guilty of.

Don't get me wrong, it's nice for someone to hold a door open for me, generally beats getting hit in the face by it, but why on earth would I need someone to do that for me. Apart from sneak door attacks, I can handle doors (no pun intended) okay by myself! I've also mastered the art of pulling my own chair out, and then sitting on it and scooting it back to the table. I'm practically a pro; I can scoot my reclining chair around while sitting on it, and it ain't light! As for guys standing up when I do - do yourselves a favour lads, and don't bother. You'll be up and down more than a whore's drawers because I drink way too much caffeine. I don't take one fifteen minute loo trip, like most girls; I make three five minute ones in the same space of time, and you know what? I can buy my own drinks, and pay for my own meals as well.

It's nothing but well-veiled sexism; men who want power over women. Men have the money, men have the strength, men have the coat to throw over the puddle, so the lady doesn't have to make the tenuous trip around it. Bollocks to it just being 'nice'. Nice is when you open the door for someone - any someone, be they male or female. Nice is when you buy your friends a drink. It's not nice when it's gender specific, when you're assuming that the woman can't pay, can't stand up for herself, can't open a sodding door without help - assuming that women are too weak to do those things; they must need a strong handsome man to help them!

The best guys are the ones who don't want their wives / girlfriends to work; a woman should never have to do nasty stuff like working! Of course they still expect her to cook, and to clean and raise the hoardes of offspring they've produced... but that doesn't count, that's not 'real' work! I mean, heaven forbid a woman who doesn't have to depend upon the strong male in her life for everything! We'll start off living out of daddy dearest's wallet and doing exactly as we're told, and then get handed over to our husbands where it'll be the same situation, different wallet.

Nah; you can stick your chivalry where the sun don't shine. Your partner should be nice to you; they damn well better be nice, otherwise I'd suggest finding someone else who will be, but we don't need any gentlemanly behaviour. Your partner should do things for you, and you should do things for them. They should make sacrifices, and so should you. The important thing is that whatever you do together, you should do it as equals.

This article comes from Shmeng

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