Court refuses pooh case
Date Friday, April 19, 2024 - 03:05 PM PST
Topic Lemmings on Parade



As I age, I feel that I am beginning to mellow – or, perhaps – I am becoming so jaded that the sense of outrage is just harder to raise... Maybe I've almost burned it out... I dunno... but today, damn do I have a doozy...

I read... a lot. books, magazines, newspapers, online news. Sometimes, just sometimes, as I log on, (since windows has as the default in the xp environment and I am too lazy to change it) i see a headline and follow the link.

I'll be damned if I didn't see Supreme Court refuses Pooh appeal as a link on the top stories section. for the story. Before I knew what was happening, my fingers had done the walking and took me to it.

At this point I have to say it again. FUCK. After reading this story, I am too shocked to even be outraged.

1)the grand daughter of the man who wrote Winnie the Pooh wants royalties from the property.
2)She was not born when the property was written and sold
3)a district court tells her that this is a greedy and pretty dumb move on her part
4)she appeals

This, in and of itself is nothing bad...a little fucking stupid, but not bad. Upon doing some research (because of a comment in the story), you will find that the contract involving the property was written specifically to keep his family from reclaiming the rights, and it is implied that was HIS idea.

The courts agreed with the contract, but she wasted money and continued to appeal. Eventually, this case was appealed to the supreme court – the highest court in the land. Ecery case is brought before the court and they decide whether to hear the case. This, considering contracts, and the fact that she wasn't even alive when it was sold should be a no brainer. LET THE DECISION STAND.

It has been estimated that each case the supreme court hears and presides over costs the tax payers between $150,000 to $600,000. I want my money back. There was nothing in this case that had anything to do with constitutional issues or human rights or religious rights violations! WHAT THE FUCK?!? Why am I paying for this greedy bitch to sue disney for something that isn't hers – even in spirit?

My father used to say “When ever they make something fool proof, someone has to go and make a better idiot.” Weren't our old ones good enough?

And one more, because it bears repeating... FUCK!

This article comes from Shmeng

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