Playing Games
Date Friday, April 19, 2024 - 06:54 PM PST
Topic Smut

Sometime last year, the Discovery Channel aired a show on sexual predation. While they made a specific reference to pickup artists (they even followed one around to watch him work) they never really went in to how it was done, or how it can be prevented. They aired it a couple of days during sex week, and I never saw it again. Now there are entire books, tapes, and websites dedicated to helping men prey upon the insecurities of women they meet, but there is startlingly little that women know about what really goes on.

A big part of preventing this type of sexual hunting is realizing that it merely consists of a series of phases. Knowing that the psychological manipulation is a formula can help; by acknowledging a formula it is easier to separate from a person. It takes less energy and consideration to refuse an equation than someone you just met.

The opening contact is carefully contrived to appear innocent. This can include a greeting and then leaving so he is no longer labeled a “stranger.” Here he finds out if she will even be receptive to advances made later. If not, it appears like there was little or no thought placed into the gesture and he can try someone else without being noticed. The opening can be as simple as “Hi.” A standard greeting is not noticeable in and of itself, and it provides a familiarity that is socially acceptable and non threatening. Asking a question about the environment, like “Having fun?” both encourages conversation and forces the girl to volunteer information in an innocent sounding way.

Because he wants to be seen as a friendly guy, the man then initiates casual conversation. Starting dialog about the immediate environment, like if the girl is enjoying the music/whatever is around them allows him be interested in a non threatening way. During this he studies her movements, her speech patterns, even the senses to which she responds. He looks for unusual words she frequently uses and slips them into his own vocabulary. She then believes he has a similar thought process. By mimicking her language and movements he makes her more receptive on a subconscious level. Since the deception is passive, it goes undetected.

He will then lead her towards exposing her values. Public places with lots of extra stimulation make it more difficult to remember specific dialog, so he encourages her towards volunteering information about herself. He guides her to tell him exactly how she wants to feel. While other information may be helpful, his goal is to learn her desired states. He can safely introduce physical contact in this phase, generally on the hands and lower arms. The response to his touch can help determine if she will be receptive to sexual contact.

The pickup artist verbally mirrors her to make the two of them seem more similar. This can be as simple as mentioning a favorite band or expressing interest in an organization she likes. It can also be as subtle as talking about how things look, feel, or sound depending on the sense to which she responds most. He uses unusual phrases that he noticed her using during casual conversation. She may notice this normally, but the content of the conversation distracts her. By rearranging her words he makes her feel understood. She now feels that he is “her kind of person.”

Asking if she wants to sit down or find someplace quiet is a way the man can offer isolation. Once it has been established that they are kindred spirits this action seems natural, and does not arouse suspicion. He will find a place as isolated as she will allow: it is easier to cloud her judgment the more intimate she feels. This may be done more than once.

Once he has a girl successfully alone he reframes the situation. If she places value on safety, he might say “You are safe with me.” If she must know a person for a while before getting intimate, he might say “It feels like we have known each other forever.” Physical and/or verbal reassurances during this phase lull her into feeling secure. He does not suggest or even imply sex. Instead, with distinct considerations or other behavior, he acts as if they were already sexually intimate. By doing this he ensures that she will not become alarmed in later parts of his plan. He makes it so that a sexual situation with him would not be a bad idea, regardless of her normal behavior.

When she feels secure he can begin to raise arousal levels. He uses what he learned when exposing her values to bring her into a daydream-like state of emotional arousal. He may ask her to reminisce about something. Memories are interpreted as thoughts but deal more with emotions and experience. He may tell her a story that makes her visualize imagery she has linked to her desired states. He may even take a nonverbal approach by kissing, touching or even dancing. The point of raising her arousal is keeping her feeling instead of thinking. If she is feeling her excitement, she is not thinking about what is actually happening. To avoid alarm he focuses on more emotional arousal first. As her body temperature rises and he returns to this phase, the stimulation from him can become more and more sexual.

He anchors all her positive emotions to himself each time he raises her arousal. If she was happy, a remark or gesture will link him to that happiness. It expands beyond the world he fabricates to include the excitement of dancing, the apple she ate before leaving, anything that gives her satisfaction. He attaches himself to emotional arousal first: by doing this he avoids alarm. Attaching himself to positive emotions can be very subtle, especially in the beginning. During more sexual phases he can ask for a detailed description of an encounter she wants followed by an inviting phrase that invariably brings the thought of that encounter with him. She will desire him more and more each time he anchors her arousal. All he needs to do then is repeat the cycle and make sure she does not leave her daydreaming state.

Closing usually happens when girl’s arousal level is high enough or when the meeting place is shutting down. They can decide to stay together, in which case sex is assured. If that is not possible he asks for her contact information (he may request it during an earlier phase, but that is not always possible or to his best interests). He never gives his information without receiving the girl’s, since it leaves contact at his discretion. If he knows when he will see her again, he can do a “kiss close” since obtaining contact information is no longer necessary.

He always waits before getting in touch. The girl’s imagination will be perfecting him in the time following their contact. Since he is associated with positive emotions, every time she is happy she will think of him. By waiting he is making himself more ideal. When he does contact her he resumes verbal mirroring, making sure to address the things to which she responded favorably. He usually brings up something important that he learned while exposing her values. He does this to seem interested, and to reestablish the closeness she feels with him. At that point she may volunteer when she is next available, so that further contact is “her idea.”

In addition to the phases, certain behavioral patterns are used to make a target feel more comfortable. Not all of them are present at all times, and they themselves are not the underlying pattern. The pattern explicit in the phases gives each action meaning and direction, which is necessary in order for any of them to work. They may, however, be a good indicator that something else is going on.

Non threatening physical contact is very important. A pickup artist will begin touching as soon as possible, and increase the contact as soon and as often as possible. Touches on the hand, cradling it in both of his, gives a sense of intimacy while still allowing an escape.

Body Language sets a degree of familiarity, and is made to pass completely under the conscious mind. Leaning forward during a sitting conversation passes off as interest in the person, and the implications of that are not considered. It makes the physical contact less noticeable. Focussing on a small feature of the face enlarges the pupil, a base biological reaction to something pleasant. The subconscious picks up on this, and in turn makes the girl more comfortable. This gives the impression of gazing into both eyes, but also is a form of staring. If a person is gazing for a long time without blinking, then they are concentrating on looking.

Now after reading this, ask yourself how you feel about it. Can this happen to you? Regardless of your answer, you may already be a target.

This article comes from Shmeng

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