update on 'A big ass'
Date Saturday, April 20, 2024 - 08:05 AM PST
Topic Work

So I go back to work to bitch out the guy and tell the boss what happened and my car stalls. So I go get my jumper cables and steal som energy from my dads car batt. When I get to work I ask Steph if I can have a jump so I can turn my car off She says no because she was on her rag and was being a major bitch so I left my car on, bad mistake.
I get inside and the first person I run in to is my boss. He said that he was looking for me and that he needs to talk. So I leave my car for a little while and discuss the hitting. He has fired the "big ass" and I pressed charges on him and my boss gave me a raise, I thought my day was going well, Ha! I go out side and my car was gone! I filpped, I filed a missing car report and called everyone I knew, no one knew what happend to it so I gave up. I called my Boyfriend Ashley and he wasn't home. I waited at work for my friend Matt when my Boyfriend showed up, in my car! He had got a call from Steph and she told him about the trouble with my car and he came and stole it and fixed it for me. What a sweety.
You can read the original story here.
This article comes from Shmeng

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