Visions of Celestiny (Chapter Two)
Date Friday, April 19, 2024 - 12:55 PM PST
Topic Smut

As the dark-haired Mistress speaks the words Zak hopes in his heart to hear, "Yes little one, you are home now," he lets loose with the tremble he had only barely been holding back at that moment. As Zak's chin had been gently lifted to look into the Mistress' eyes, he had seen how lovely a shade of brown they were. He thought of them being almost the color of pecans as she looked at him in the torchlight.
Doing as he'd been told by the Mistress, he rises to his feet, and quickly follows behind her as she walks through the open doors of the gatehouse of the village of Celestiny. She turns, after closing and locking the gate doors, to look at Zak as he quickly averts his eyes towards the ground. The dark-haired beauty runs her fingers through Zak's shoulder-length dark hair as she speaks, "Little one, my name is Ke'andra. What is yours little one?" Zak answers in a proud voice, "Mistress, my name is Zak."

Ke'andra motions for Zak to follow her as she heads towards a large rectangular hut, passing the village fires as they make their way. The heat being produced from the fires' flames causing even more sweat to form on his skin, and sting his strap marks and welts worse than they were already stinging. He manages to continue to remain stoic, and not even produce a noticible flinch as the saltiness of his sweat pours over his many wounds.

As they near the hut, Ke'andra calls out to those inside, and several village slaves emerge. She instructs one of them to go retrieve the village healer. While waiting for the healer to arrive, Zak is ushered into a wooden tub. As he stands in the empty tub, a female slave very carefully removes the tattered remains of his loin cloth, while a male slave begins to pour heated water into the tub.

Ke'andra looks over to the runaway slave Zak, and says, "Little one, please sit in the tub, and I will return shortly." Quickly doing as he is told, he begins to sit in the the water of the tub. Flinching some, but trying to remain as quiet as he can, he lowers his sore, abused body into the warm water of the tub.

At first the water calls attention to the pain in his wounds, but as he lets himself relax a bit, the water begins to feel quite soothing. Before Zak realizes it, he drifts off into sleep. As he slips deeper into sleep, his mind begins to dream. The dreams are of the horrid Mistress Minerva, and the village called Kortana from which he's just fled.

Zak hears Minerva's wicked uncaring laughter as she has her new, more favored male slave bind Zak harshly to a whipping rack while he stands with his hands above his head. His wrists and ankles are tied to the wooden beams of the rack in such a way that his body forms an "X" shape. Minerva then tells her new little one to remove Zak's loin cloth, which leaves his sex fully exposed and unprotected. Minerva walks around to the front of Zak, and stands just a few feet in front of him.

Even though his eyes are averted towards the ground, he can still see the large black braided whip in Minerva's right hand. Zak feels her left hand grab hold of his hair as she roughly jerks his head back. He tries frantically to keep his eyes averted from hers, but she stares straight into his eyes and speaks, "So little one, do you know why are you are being punished today?" In a somewhat strained voice Zak answers the Mistress, "I must have done something wrong Mistress to deserve such punishment, and I am sorry." Her voice filled with somewhat evil laughter as Minerva speaks again, "Why no little one, you've done nothing wrong. You simply do not please me as much as my new little one does, and it pleases me to see you suffer."

Zak hears Minerva cackling to herself as she walks to the backside of the whipping rack. He hears her instruct her more favored little one to go and sit on the skins by the village fires, and to watch the whipping about to take place from there.

Suddenly and without warning Zak feels the first stroke of the heavy braided whip slice into the skin of his lower back. He tries with all of his being to keep silent, but a tiny gasp escapes his lips. The first stroke is followed by several more, each strike of the whip cutting deep into the skin of his well-muscled back. Next he feels the terrible cutting sting of the whip on his legs, and then his buttocks are struck repeatedly and without mercy from the Mistress Minerva. His mind begins to go hazy from the pain of the whip strikes, and then as suddenly as Minerva began the whipping, she stops.

Breathing a sigh of relief as Zak thinks the whipping has finally ended. His deeply tanned skin is covered with welts and bleeding strap marks, and he sees Minerva approach him with the loin cloth her new little one had stripped off of Zak earlier. Without saying a word, Minerva reties the loin cloth on Zak. Then she walks around the whipping rack, appearing to be admiring her work with the whip. In an almost emotionless sounding voice Minera says to Zak, "I've put your loin cloth back on to protect your manhood, in the offhand chance that I will ever wish to use it again for my pleasure." Zak is feeling a bit unsure of what her words are implying as he responds, "Yes, Mistress."

Without any further words, Minerva walks out in front of Zak several feet, and begins to whip the front of his legs with the braided whip. Zak closes his eyes as the whip again begins biting into his flesh. Without mercy, Minerva applies the whip to his chest and abdomen, and several strikes are even applied to his arms. Then at last the whipping is over.

Minerva takes a dagger from a sheath on her waistband, and cuts the ropes binding Zak to the whipping rack. Zak tries to stand, but he falls to the ground as all of his strength is gone. Minerva sees he is still conscious, as she calls to several village slaves to come and take him out of her sight. Barely conscious, Zak is placed on a mat in his Mistress' hut, and then he is left alone to suffer. He begins to weep.

Suddenly Zak is awakened from his dream of the whipping by a gentle female voice, "Little one, wake up." He opens his eyes, as he realizes he's still in the wooden tub. He stands quickly, as he realizes that the voice was from a young blond Amazon woman. The woman is holding a basket that has the smell of herbs coming from it, and he suddenly realizes that this must be the village healer.

Zak is handed a towel by a female slave, and begins to carefully dry off his wet body. Then he sees the healer smile tenderly as she tells him, "We need to get your wounds dressed properly, and then a bit later we'll get you a fresh, new loin cloth. If you are hungry, there is food in the servery, and this will be the hut you will sleep in with some of the other village little ones. Tomorrow will be a very busy day for you, as you learn your way around the village." With his eyes downcast in respect, and deeply grateful smile on his lips as he speaks, "Yes, Mistress."
Part one is here.
This article comes from Shmeng

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