A double obituary
Date Friday, April 19, 2024 - 08:48 AM PST
Topic News

Now that the deeds have been done, the hangovers are wearing off, the last shovel of dirt has been packed, and the greif has worn thin, I thought I'd finally do my girls the justice of remembering their lives (and forcing all of you to listen to it too).me.
I posted a similar item a mere month or so ago when lucy died, and here I am again.

I've always adored my girls. Stella my silvery snob, Lucy my mischevious recluse, Poppy my curly, lovable and good natured girl, and Nico my jumbo size trouble causing escape artist extrordinaire.

Poppy and Nico are gone now, and my heart is left half empty with sorrow and more than full of memories.

For Poppy: I'll miss more than anything your frizzy curly mad scientist whiskers, the car rides in the sleeve of my coat, and the times you slept on my shoulder during long movies and late nights without sleep. You gave me five more lives than I came home from the pet store with, and something I had never experienced before....baby rats. The time we had flew by....and unfairly too fast. I will always remember the last few minutes with you in the room at the vets office. I didn't want to let you go, and I hope you understand. I am sorry I wasn't strong for you. I couldn't let you suffer anymore. I hope you forgive me.

For Nico: My one black sheep (literally), and the first of the little ones to crack your eyes and see me. I still can't figure out how you undid the screen at the top of the tank. I loved it when you came by suprise into my life and I loved to watch you grow...and grow and grow and grow my girl. I'll miss the friendly finger nibbles...I'll miss the way you would play bop the rat...I'll miss the chasing games you played climbing all over the cage...and the rides in my hood because you were too fat for my sleeve or pocket. Lulu is sad you're gone. I'm at least glad you had a happy and healthy new friend to keep you company.
I'm sorry I couldn't make you better. I'm sorry I didnt see how sick you were last friday night when we came home from the vet. I'm sorry I didn't realise just how old you really were. I'm sorry I didn't know, and didn't stay with you like I would have. I hope you forgive me.

They are gone and burried...these two, the last of my ladies at least together instead of scattered about. My girls together at last.
I'll always miss you. Nothing can ever take your places. I can't do justice to you in words, but I try. I hope you understand, I hope you can forgive me, and I hope you knew just how much I loved you.

Goodbye girls. Wait for

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