The curse of Backstabbers
Date Thursday, April 25, 2024 - 09:35 AM PST
Topic Rant

Why am I cursed? Maybe anyone out there with more experience with "other-worldly" or "paranormal" things, or just curses in general could help me out with this, but just read and comment if you want to, 'cause I'm steamed as hell about it. Every guy I have ever even attempted to flirt with that hasn't turned me down cold has done much worse- backstabbed me! GRRRR!
Alright, I'm gonna go down the list here, and then just rant a little more about all these icky people, and I'll admit, I'm whining, but everyone has to do that at some point.

My first kiss, S., when I was 14, thought we were "together" more than I did. Enough said. I don't like talking about it.

six months later, I went to debate camp (Why does this feel like an American Pie setup?) met whom I thought at the time was a very nice guy, B. we had fun for the two weeks were were "together" at camp... he lived 9 hours away though... and almost 2 years later, when we would have seen each other again, while he was on a roadtrip, he decided since I wouldn't sleep with him, I "wasn't worth it."

One year later (yes, I get action very little. It sucks. Horribly) I ended up spending a very... *coughs* fun-filled day with a guy... C. and he never spoke to me again, even though we had 2 classes together.

Six months after THAT (I also have a six-month curse. I have never gotten action any closer together than six months. And I've worked it down to the day) I went clubbing for the first time ever, made out with a guy, D. (who, by the way, kissed me first) whom I later spent pretty much the weekend with, just hanging out, talking, and a few kisses. On that Sunday night, his FIANCEE walked in with his KID. To say the least, I got out of there real quick. He's never called since.

After that, there was J. He spent 3 months flirting like crazy with me, asking me to watch movies at his house with him, telling me how wonderful and talented and all that stuff I was... so, understandably, I think, I fell for him. We were really hitting it off, when I called him to let him know I was in town (he lives about an hour away from me) when a girl answered the phone (no big problem to me- he's got sisters) and I asked for J., she whispered to someone next to her, him, I'm assuming, said, "It's Andrea" and his voice whispered back "Get rid of the B****." I hung up before she could get back on the phone. I called about a week later, and he's engaged. Just FYI, we never kissed or anything.

Alright, so I'm getting over this, when another guy, F. enters, whom I met over Gothic Personals. We live 27 hours apart, he's a little older than I'd usually go for, but after a couple weeks of talking 8 hours a day, or more, online and on the phone, I've totally fallen for him. He claims to love me, and I believe him. Why? Because not only have I totally fallen for him, I truely care about him. I still do. This was 4 months ago that we met, and last I talked to him was 3 weeks, one day ago. As far as I knew, we were on good terms. Shit, this guy was writing me songs, poems, talking to me like he really did love me. And then? Silence. Total and complete silence. He is a member of Shmeng, and according to the "Last seen" logs he's been coming online at least for the past week and a half. He's been logging out of any chat program he's on when I log in. He hasn't responded to ANY of the e-mails I send, and I've tried the 2 main ones that I know of and the personal message system on this site. I won't tell you for sure who it is, but it isn't Devin (who is incredibly sweet and nice and a great guy). If you want to know who it is, send me a message through whatever method you want and I'll tell you. I want to be fair and give him a chance to defend himself, but that's kinda hard when he won't even talk to me.

ANYWAY, so right now I'm just really mad at all backstabbing SOB's and wishing I knew what I did to curse myself. It wouldn't be so bad if they would just tell me straight out, but no, they have to make me fall for them and THEN stab me.

According to everyone I ask, I'm a nice person. I like to think I am. Hell, even my zodiac signs say I should have guys hanging all over me. I'm a Sag-Scorpio cusp, which, to quote a friend, means not only do I make people wanna f*** me, they wanna love me too. I'll admit, I'm not the best lookin' person around, but I don't think I'm butt ugly. I should have some pics up on this site soon. If you really want some, ask me, I've got an old, old one scanned.

But anyway, I'm just wondering what the hell I did to curse myself. Any suggestions, comfort, or whatever? Anyone?

This article comes from Shmeng

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