The Unholy Trinity
Date Thursday, April 25, 2024 - 02:38 AM PST
Topic Rant

Why do I think this world is FUCKED up.....

Well here goes..... Lets start with the unholy trinity..... God the father -Religion, God the Son - Government, God the un-fucking-holy ghost - BIG money AKA BIG Business..... And their FAVORITE minion the N.A.B.. The POWER structure of thisand MOST countries still viable..... They tell us FEAR this and that..... And what do youdo to SAVE your reached festering FEAR ridden carcass..... You give your moneyand or your rights to one of the unholy trinity.
Some of you poor fools fork over theirmoney in the name of god to save your pitiable souls form SATAN...... Funny he isn't telling you to FEAR him or pay or you will go to heaven..... Or they tell you FEAR this BUY this or that product, fear is now being used to sell everything from security services to laundry detergent..... Not the products merits but the fact it can SAVE you fromDANGER in one form or another..... Or you give your rights to the Government.....Fear criminals with GUNS..... GIVE US YOUR GUN RIGHTS..... FUCK THAT SHIT!!!! That is NOT the only right they want to take...... Believe it or not FEAR is the MAIN weapon used to disallow micro power broadcasting, one of the statements goessomething like this. "We are AFRAID that having so many voices on the air would causeconfusion, no one would know who to believe....." Read that THIS WAY..... If free people speak freely then WE are afraid they will see through our BULL SHIT..... So now we have Big money bombarding us with fear to sell us things, (they can't just make things WORTH buying), we have the Government using inflated crime states and other made up numbers to cow SHEEPEL in to giving up their rights to be free in order to be safe...... Dig this:

Question: Can you be safe and FREE at the same time?

Answer: NOT if you let the GOVERNMENT provide that safety. ONLY if YOU are responsible for YOUR own safety. If you depend on the Government to do it for you, you will find your self in a jail cell. One you have entered and begged to be kept in because you ARE to afraid or to WEEK? to be responsible for yourself. DO NOT BUY THAT SHIT YOU are the ONLY one that can make your self safe and you can not let anyone else be responsible YOU have to do it, do not buy the fear it is EVERYWHERE....... They use it to CONTROL us, don't be afraid and they can't rule your mind.

Another problem it this bullshit..... Propaganda and it's number one agent theN.A.B. the MAIN tool of the unholy Trinity. Look ar the supposed Anti smoking commercials..... You got a old bag sucking smoke through a gross fucking hole in the neck MOANING how she can't quit smoking..... You got a guy lifting up on the stove and then goo coming out of an aorta ripped out of some dead fucker..... What is themessage...... You ARE a ADDICT you can not quit...... Why the YOU CAN'T QUIT message, well smoking is dying out, their LAST clutch on life is to KEEP those smokers smoking. Non-smoking adds BULLSHIT, they are you CAN NOT quit smoking commercials.That in only one small example. The media today is FULL of them part due to the government giving OUR air waves to big business to rape, now one company can have as many stations as it can afford in any market it wants. Sounds GOOD? Not for US it is for them, not for us. We now get 90% of the news and programming from 3 sourcesGE, Westinghouse, and Disney. If you count radio add Clear Channel corp., 2 of whichare National defense contractors and Disney..... They invented propaganda...... The Clot Thickens..... They all WANT addicts.....

The government propaganda against drugs well lets look at that. It is in my opinion the BIGGESTcause of addiction.... Why do I say this. Well we are told how addictive drugs are, lets take one they proclaim is the worst, herione/opioids...... First of all it is a FACT that booze is FAR more addictive and physically harmful ask any HONEST druggist. Booze also is toxic to the MIND not to mention the withdrawals form booze can and are often FATAL. They DON'T tell you that, the bemoan how addictive narcoticsare. I used to buy all that shit..... Now DO NOT GET ME WRONG I am not advocating narcotic use..... That is not the point. Point is we are told it is addictive and so when one try's it they figure "Well i am hooked so what the fuck," well there was a point in my life the Croakers (MDs) had me on HUGE doses of pain killers for back problems 180Mil of Methadone and 8-16 Mil of Hydromorphone every 4-6 hours. It had gotten to where even at that level I hurt all the time. The Croakers would not up the dose andtold me how deathly sick the withdrawals would make me and said the only hope was to implant a morphine pump (they constantly pump morphine into the SPINE directly), in some ways it sounded well..... Interesting..... But no fucking way, so I got into an argument and walked out. I quit taking the narcotics, just QUIT, COLD. Withdrawals..I had a slight headache and mild shitts for a day or two. THAT WAS ALL.... My theory? Well people SO firmly think they are going to get deathly ill so when they start to feel a touch 'OFF' they psych them selves into getting the 'typical' withdrawal symptoms....On the other hand when I decided to quit smoking after 15 years I just quit, with no problem or relapse over 10 years ago my SO did the same 5+ years ago. Noweither I (her too for that metter) am one of those RARE people that are just can not become addicted..... Or I am a FREE soul that does not believe crap the governmentrelgious corpRATe entity keeps trying to shove up my ass..... Personally i believe that99% of what happens to us IS UNDER OUR CONTROL from thinking that we can't quit this or quit that it becomes a self fulfilling prophicy. If we use our minds and don't tellourselves we can't do something and KNOW we can DO that thing then the chances are pretty goddamn good it will be done. At least that is one thing that has always prettymuch held true in my life.

Ok so why do they want addicts? Well...... Money. When probation against booze ended the government was feces with a hugh problem..... What to do with the prisons where they locked up all those boozers, what to do with all the guards not to mention all the PIGs and FIB agents and the BATF and all the other alphabet soup they had cookedup..... Fire everyone.... Now way. Loose all that money and tax payer support? FUCK NO they made drugs (which until then were not against ANY law and could be orderedfrom Sears) aginst the law, and started to pump out propaganda designed to ADDICTpeople and keep the HUGE business that IS out Justice system alive..... Where wouldthe pigs be without drug laws? Out of a job for the most part. Most crime is drug related..... People either being busted for dope of one sort or another, getting in trouble for stealing to support the habit, hooking same reason (hookers get killed so oftentoo), not to mention many other blue collar crimes committed to provide drug money,and murder over drug deals and in commission of other drug related crimes..... Most crime would die out of drugs were legal. Pigs would get canned, same with prison guards so on and so forth..... For the justice system DRUG addiction PAYS BIG TIME...

Is it any fucking wonder with all the shit we are fed all the time that so many people are so fucked up? We are instructed to be FUCKED from the day we are born..... You are supposed to work, pay taxes, and consume in your box and not cause waves..Freedom causes waves. ROCK THE FUCKING BOAT!


Thanks for reading my ranting..... I hope it has had some meaning. I am so tired of seeing out freedom taken from us because some people think they will be safer in jail. Now the supreme idiots say that even though our state voted for medical marijuanathat the states vote doesn't count. Is it any wonder I like the night....

In Darkness Is Peace
Jesse - NightSide

This article comes from Shmeng

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