Update one
Date Tuesday, April 23, 2024 - 03:21 AM PST
Topic News

Red Cross. Telecommuting. Hat shopping. Indian Food. An update from your freindly neoghborhood "citizen refugees"
Shade has talked to his boss and does still have a job. talk about telecommuting! Shade just started working there at the begining of Augest and really likes it so its really great that he still has the job that he wanted.

I managed to turn in some of the homework for the second to last week of my class. I have 7 more weeks of "college" (gotta love online degree programs!) and my teacher is now just lavishing perfect "A"s on me. whoooooo grant/scholarships for grad school!

I bought a local numbered cell phone. Its my first cell phone so all it took was a nation rocking national disaster to get me to move into the late 20th century.

We went to the "refugee" center at the local Red Cross and they gave us real aid, not just picking though old clothes for something that might fit and access to a free hot meal everyday kind of aid, but real help in money and medical attention.

Other news.... my platonic wife made it out and is refugee-ing in Tennessee and our coffee buddy is moving to Austen to bartend at a booby bar. We still havent heard from the x boss (the man that lent us the car that got us here), his wife or partner, or the new owner of the antiques gallery (or his wife or 2 year old child
they lived in the area next to the broken part of the 17th street canal

This article comes from Shmeng

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