Little Isle of the Damned
Date Friday, April 26, 2024 - 02:25 AM PST
Topic Entertainment

All right this is why I don't/ have not submit articles. Waste your time...

Erin woke up on a beach one night. Feeling woozy, and unsure where she was, Erin dug her hand in the sand, only to have a searing, burning, stingy pain engulf her bloody knuckles. Before she could scream out in agony, she realized that her brother was missing! Immediately she recalled the evening before, but it was hazy. She remembered her brother doing something heinous, she just couldn’t put her finger on it, but it was awful. An uneasy feeling told her to keep her mouth shut and swallow the pain.
She staggered up and walked to the edge of the black inky water. The sound of waves put her in an easy trance, she stood there for a moment trying to jog her memory. From the corner of her left eye she spied something white limply move. She waded over to the mystery object and bent over just enough for the bright moonlight to show what it was. In an instant Erin shirked in horror and franticly ran back to shore. Through the dimly lit water She saw it was a man, dead and bloated floating in the waves. Turning her gaze back to the sea she noticed more white objects bobbing up and down with the waves. What had Greg done? Why? Where was he?

Sorrow swept over Erin, Miki her fiancé had been with her that night. She fell to her knees and wept over the loss of her love Miki while watching a number of corpses flow with sea. After awhile she surveyed further down the beach seeing still more bodies had washed ashore. Several of the bodies were clumped together. A large heap had formed at the far end of the shore. Which struck Erin odd as to how dead bodies could form them selves into a pile. As she got ever closer to the pile of bloated corpses a hideous stench over took her nose. She gasped as she recognized some of the grotesque or sometimes alien faces. Few were actually recognizable; most were gone, decayed, or eaten off. Dawn was breaking and the disgusting features of the dead became more apparent.

The pile was crawling with crabs, other numerous crustaceans, flies, and seaweed wrapped around some of the mass. The smell from the pile was so horrid it kept her at bay for several feet. Just then as she felt a gag to vomit, a frightful scream arose from the mound. Three silhouettes of human like figures suddenly sprang up from the heap; Erin thought they were human at first, but that was at a distance. Again a loud and hysterical scream sounded from the pile. This time the human figures sprang for the water. Erin rushed over trying her best to ignore the tremendous foul smell. With in seconds she spotted a hand sticking out, struggling, desperately to grab hold of something. Instinctively she grabbed the hand and pull as hard as she could. Unbelievably it was Miki that emerged out of the carcasses.

Miki was visibly shaken up being pulled out from under carcasses. Erin thought to her self who wouldn’t be? Sitting up wind from Miki, while he took some time to sit down and collect his thoughts; Erin tried to clear her cloudy memory of last night. It took several minutes till Miki began to wind down. Erin wandered if Miki could remember what had happened. She approached Miki with care, taking her time to sit by him.

They sat there in silence watching the fog come in. Erin feeling enough time had past turned to Miki “I thought I lost you.” She whimpered falling into his lap, while he simultaneously wrapped his right arm around her lithe frame. With tears streaming out of her she confessed she couldn’t remember last night. Looking off into the distance Miki confessed he didn’t remember as well. They would have remained in their pose for a longer time, if they hadn’t heard loud splashing. Both had the same thought that it was another survivor, and rushed to the water’s edge. Miki made a gesture for Erin to stay on the beach while he investigated, and she did partly because of what she found out there the last time. Miki cautiously waded through thickening fog over to the noise.

He came in view of a mannish figure face down dressed in a tux pathetically wailing about. No sooner had Miki moved one step closer the man suddenly and completely stopped moving. Miki panicked and grabbed the man by the back of his tux’s collar. Miki sprinted for the beach dragging the man behind him.

Erin watched Miki materialize out of the fog, she screamed seeing what he dragged behind him. No not the fact it was a limp body, but that even from a distance Erin could tell it was her father. Miki flipped his future father-in-law over, shocked to discover that most of his gut devoured. Erin lay on the beach crying, and cursing her brother’s name. It wasn’t until noon when the fog retreated away from the island that Erin stood up again. Miki had spent the time digging a grave for Joseph. Erin walked over and stood over the grave, watching Miki shove the sand over her father’s body.

Miki looked up “I’m sorry, it must have been a barracuda, or something that did this.” Erin motionless stood there and murmured “Or something.” “What?” Miki asked. Erin explained about the silhouettes she saw pop up from the pile she pulled Miki out of. “What are you saying!” Miki grilled her. “I don’t know they could have been sea gulls, or seals for all I know.” Miki looked at her as if she knew more than what she let on.
Noon was fading and the fog was creeping back on shore. The wind was picking up so Erin and Miki cuddle together for warmth. Both contemplated what had happened last night. Both agreed Gregory was at the root of it. Erin through the conversation off track when she could no longer take it, “Miki you reek!” Before he could come up with any reasonable ideas, a horrid stench bombarded his nose. He excused himself and went to bathe in the sea.

It wasn’t working to well the order had bonded with his clothes. He was about to turn back, when he saw what looked like a head bob out the water. He leaned forward slightly to investigate a little better. Two slimy, inhuman arms pounced to life grabbing Miki by the ankles. They or it tried to drag him further in to the water, but he put up a good struggle with wild kicking and shouting. He escaped back on the beach just as Erin ran up to see two impossible figures perched in the shallow water.

“It couldn’t be!” She said out loud. Miki turned to see what exactly what had grabbed at him. Stunned at what he saw “No… mermaids?…” he let the words slip. Even in the fog they could see surreal details of the mermaids. They were not like your Disney version, they had grayish-green slimy skin, darker green fine scales on the lower half, reddish and dark hair tangled with green algae, hag breast, their eyes were large black and soulless, and their mouths were filled with needle sharp teeth.

The mermaids slunk back into deeper water with a terrible shriek. Miki and Erin withdrew back further up the beach. It was getting colder and often they could hear the shrills and splashes of the mermaids. Time to time they could spot one feasting on a body. There were numerous of them, it was as if Miki and Erin had were in some twisted fantasyland. It was almost possible to hear their psyches’ shattering to pieces.

Their horrified trance was interrupted by a scream of someone in agonizing pain coming from the distant side of the little island. The two looked into each other eyes approvingly knowing that together they would search for who ever, or what ever was in agony. They walked the beach line keeping their distance from the water, infrequently coming across remains picked apart, or a mermaid feasting on a carcass.

They made there way up and around rocky jaunts getting closer to the screams. The passed a rock face four times before Miki spied a small cave. It was a difficult path to get to the cave, but it was worth it. Miki looked in the cave and saw none other but Gregory. Erin made her way to the cave seeing Gregory made her blood rush. A thousand angry questions about last night crammed her head. Then she saw Gregory move out of the shadow, and what she saw gave her the chills. Gregory’s left eye gray and blind, his hair snow white, the left side of his body was withered, and deformed.

Before Erin or Miki could recover from their shock. Gregory began to speak with the side of his mouth that worked.
“So I guess you want explanations, huh? I bet you two don’t remember last night either do you. Oh, and my little yacht…I sunk it, or at least I think I did.” Tilting his head back he started to explain. “By now you have found out mermaids are real, mean bitches too. Do you know what happens when you eat mermaid flesh?” He pauses for a second before he continues. “Well, quite simply one of two things happen; one, you die. Now sometimes it kills right off the bat, other times its takes one whole day to kill you. Two, you eat it, survive, and live happily forever after. I guess the little memory wipe is just a by-product. Congratulations, we three have achieved immortality.”

He bangs his right hand repeatedly against the ground making a haphazard applause. Erin stutters forward “What happened to you? Why did you…” Gregory interrupts. “What this, well I guess some just can’t be as fortunate as the two of you, or this is what I get for having two servings. Go figure. And as for why… I was hungry for one, but mostly because I needed to see, someone had to see.” He ends it struggling to breath. “And what about the mermaids?

Out of all the ship wreaks over the centuries, why are they flocking to our little disaster?” Miki asked. “As far as I can surmise its because they smell their sister in our blood, even the in the dead ones. Vengeance and all.’’ Gregory responds. “So, its just us three, eh? No one else, Jesus, already you guys are real drags. This is going to be a lousy eternity.” Gregory’s little humor does nothing to calm the rage boiling in Erin. “You.. Monster! You selfish little Monster! You killed our father! You piece of shit! Our father! You piece of shit!”

Erin saw nothing but red. See she had had these little “rage fits” ever sense she was little. She had gone years with out any episodes, but the death of her father, and all those people by the hand of her own brother, who could blame her.
By the time she came out of it Gregory lay on the beach still alive with a broken neck. She felt pity for him, not being able to move what he had left. So Erin thought what would Gregory do in this kind of situation. She came up with something; Erin and Miki carefully picked Greg up and moved him closer to the water. After that they sat and watched “nature’’ do they rest.

They sat on the other side of the island afterwards. There was no escape with out being torn to shreds by one of the little mermaids, not much wood around the island for a decent fire, no food, and no water to drink for a good long time. All that could be heard was the chilling cry of distant mermaids quieting roaring waves. So Erin and Miki did the only thing warm and fun they had left in a recently vacated cozy cave.

This article comes from Shmeng

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