Beautiful Day
Date Saturday, April 20, 2024 - 08:03 AM PST
Topic Beauty

When was your last beautiful day? You know the one...

when the sun was shining (even if it wasn't) and you felt so free and innocent and pure... and happy. You had no worries, you were in the now of the moment, and everything that was happening to you was good. Every once in a while, one of these days sneaks up on all of us... it's the greatest thing in the world, it makes you glad you are alive, and you're so caught up in the joy of it all that you don't stop to think, "Wow, I really am happy."

Maybe it's a day you spend just running around in the

company of your best friends. Or a day alone with your

lover, and the two of you are so wrapped up in each

other that no other thought can cross your mind. Or a

day when you're completely alone, and in the stillness

of your mind, or surrounded by the beauty of nature,

that spark of happiness blossoms inside you, and you're

so unbelievably content that you just don't do anything

except revel in the purity and bliss of being you.

Tell me about your day... the last day that was so

perfect, you didn't have to stop and think, "Wow, I

really am happy."

Happiness happens when we're not trying...

This article comes from Shmeng

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