The United Nazi States of America
Date Friday, April 26, 2024 - 03:10 AM PST
Topic Lemmings on Parade

I work early in the morning, and get a chance to read the paper every morning. I am not sure why I do it... I guess it is a sense of morbidity that I cannot account for. I also have several news services that I read because our country has some of the best "keep this shit quiet" programs in the world.
This was in my e-mail the other morning. Here

I will admit, I appreciate the freedoms that this country has to offer. There is a limit though. We are walking a path that can not have any positive consequences. The initiatve that george duh-bya bush is enacting has been seen before. Wanna know where? Nazi Germany... Soviet Russia... Communist China. Throughout the last several decades, the philosophies of these countries seem to be diametrically opposed to that of the United States.

Sooo.... here we stand. 11 days after this initiative was passed and the American people are unaware and un-concerned. Does anyone else feel like we're being cheated?

Well... I need to get back to work... but I have one question... What are we doing in this hand basket?

Time to hide the pentagrams kiddies.
This article comes from Shmeng

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