The Wonderful Amazing Force-Field Car!
Date Friday, April 19, 2024 - 05:47 PM PST
Topic Experiences

OK. So Saturday I was riding down one of those New England dirt roads, you know the kind that two cars can pass each other IF they squeeze. The B.F. was driving, and his 2 kids were in the back seat.

We were just driving along, minding our own business, going slow to watch the scenery, when around the corner zooms this other car, coming straight for us!
They slammed on their brakes, we swerved to the right, they locked their brakes and started to slide sidways, rear towards us, we were heading into the trees, their front left tire hit the embankment and flipped them CLEAN OVER our left rear corner (and the B.F.'s 4-year-old daughter), and we came to a stop maybe 3 or 4 inches from a tree as they came to a stop horizontally across the road a few yards behind us, ON THEIR ROOF!!!!!

(All this was pieced together from our differing views of the accident, and looking carefully at the skid marks. What I saw was 3 distinct dangers - the car coming toward us, the tree coming toward us, and when we stopped, looking behind us and seeing the other car land. The B.F. actually saw the rear of the car fly over ours.)

The two teenaged girls in the other car were treated for minor bumps and scratches. Their car (or rather, the one girl's roommate's car that was just bought a few days ago) was towed away, with considerable denting and broken glass. No one in our car was hurt in any way, and not a scratch put on the car. It could so easily have been so different.

I credit our safety to the B.F.'s excellent handling, and the magical force-field surrounding my car! (And the fact that, for once, the kids were not distracting us by bickering in the back seat! Now, THAT was a miracle!)

I spent the rest of the day emitting periodic sighs of relief. I still catch myself doing it.

This article comes from Shmeng

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