The problem the Y cromosome caused
Date Saturday, April 20, 2024 - 08:33 AM PST
Topic Rant

"I want to go out with you" The seven words that would change everything...
Alex has been my best guy friend for... I don't know, a long time. But anyways we had dated in the past and I had had a crush on him scince pre-school. We could talk about anything- and I mean everything. And we could talk comfortably. Thats just some background info.

Stefano was my boy friend. He was cute, witty, and so crazy smart. He was nice, a gentleman, and nuaghty enough to make things spicy. But we didn't talk talk- the way Alex and I did. Then Alex told me he wanted to go out with me, and for me it was like I really like Stefano but Alex is a great person to talk to and he has so many of the same good traits a Steffy.

This was Tuesday... Alex said on Friday we'll offically be going out. Okay... So I dump Steffy- justifiably he was hurt. He hooked up with a new girl. I was free until Friday.

Thursday I call Alex and get the vibe he doesn't want to go out with me. So I call my close friend Colin and asked him to find out what was going on. Yeah- I was right Alex didn't want to go out with me any more. I don't know why... but it hurt so bad, and I cried for the first time in a year... for two hours.

Today he said "I still like you but I think I'll stay single until next year." Then "How are you feeling?" How do you think I'm feeling you dick?! Now every time I look at Stefano I think "I miss you..." I want him back and I'm so screwed...

To be continued?

This article comes from Shmeng

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