Poor Poor Girl...
Date Tuesday, April 23, 2024 - 07:18 PM PST
Topic Icky People

My friends call them chickenheads. which is a slang for slut or whatever.. but i'd like to go more in depth with this stereotype..

They all act, dress, smell, giggle the same way. and what is thier quest? To plan thier whole entire lives around wether they *might* suck a dick at that *big fun* party! You try to explain to them that what they are doing is degrading to themselves and they dont wanna listen. i dunno if its just bred into them they have to be that way.. but its sooooo sad...
And then..they look at you like you're dirt because.. GODFORBID.. you think for yourself.. and thats what makes me dislike them..

Seriously.. Its annoying as shit when you try to have a normal conversation with them and all they want to talk about is how much weight they lost not eating for five days and how they hope "so and so" notices. It makes me wanna vomit. For christ sakes.. women are NOT supposed to be like that. But.. if you watch channels like MTV? its total breeding ground for that stereotype. Its so sad. You got these young 15 year old girls who focus their whole lives around looking pretty for the opposite sex. and not only that.. you have to be about 60 pounds and have fake boobs and lip jobs.

What is up with that? why can't women just not give a flying fuck and wear what they want.. eat what ever the fuck they want (and as much of it as they want). Smell however they please.. The list could on forever. But i think its re-gawdamn-diculouse.

And im not saying it's bad to be pretty.. or femme.. but i just see too much focus on being an object today in society. it's like.. you're not worth anything unless you're considered desirable enough to a male.

And its true.. I listen to guys.. I listen to how they talk.. "I would do her. yeah i'd bend her over a counter and give it to her." You never hear "well she's pretty, but she also has a kick ass sense of humor/personality/mind."

THAT'S sick. Sicky sick sick. I know this rant has weird opinions from me. but i dunno.. i guess it's an observation and I just wanted to see if any other girls see that.

Girls are so much more fun when they are themselves and comfortable with who they are.. not all frazzled out about who's lookin at them, and getting a boner... *snicker*

*oh yes.. and this rant isnt a mad angry thing towards all men.. only a few.. :)

This article comes from Shmeng

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