One taste, and you come back for more
Date Friday, April 19, 2024 - 08:00 PM PST
Topic Oogie Boogies

In light of recent events...I went to a shinto shrine for help. The whole Hsien-ko wan keui thing has been riding my heart for a long time, dragging me the hell down...but thank whomever responsible for it. This little shrine, in the middle of nowehere, beautiful in a quaint but powerful way, immenently serene. I met an old man with surprisingly good english, a priest I guess you could call him, although the proper term is Yamagumi. This old man was worried about me the second I entered the shrine, he told me that the shi-shi spirit dogs didn't like me at all...before I could explain my case, he told me flat out...I had been kissing girls I should not have been kissing, then he laughed and told me he could fix it.
Good humor coming from such a smallman, humor that nonetheless made my heart race. It was a long ritual, to make a long story short, three younger women sang sort of a droning chant and two men about my own age waved around these little censures filled with incense as the old man sat me down, and began sprinkling little pieces of paper over me. They had all these little Kanji characters on them, I think they were shinto prayers given physical form or something. In any hurt like hell, fricking burned, and all I wanted to do was leave...I remember screaming at them, I think I knocked one of the boys out cold, and I broke a lot of stuff...I went ballistic, and I usually don't do that...creepy thing was, apparently I was speaking in old ainu japanese while I was doing it. I know decent japanese, but th ainu dialect is way out of my league. Everything was pretty much a blur, and I still get the shivers when I think about it. When I woke up, I was laying on a rice mat out in the back and a young woman was giving me water through a small ladel, she was covered in prayer slips. I knw what those ones stand for now, protection from evil spirits. I think she wore them to keep her safe from me...and I've always thought of myself as such a gentle person. The old man came back and explained to me that the hungry ghost had been chased out, though it wasn't too easy, and something about my way of thinking and state of heart made it a welcome home for things of it's sort. He said that he had asked a pair of shi-shi dogs to keep an eye on me, just in case the wan keui come back for me. Normally I'd be skeptical of the whole ordeal, waiting for a price to be laid down. But no price was asked, he just said I was welcome here any time...stating that Americans, for being as demon-ridden as they are, never seek purity, or at least...rarely do. He considered it a unique honor and test of his faith to try and purify me. I say try, because as of now, by shinto spritual law, I'm half-living...when you have a bad spirit inside of you, forever after you carry that essence...something a little less and more than normal...whatever. The end result of this is kind of interesting, I've had my first real taste of the hidden, the occult...and damn me if I'm not thirsting for more. I want to know these things, I want to be able to work with these things...unfortunatly, I know jack...but I know there are people out there who do...problem is, sifting the truth from the masses of charlatans, liars and self-indulgent morons out there. So here I am, sitting on the other side of the world, nursing my little cult, and wondering exactly what the fuck happened to me out there...I feel a lot more comfortable around here though lately, things are a lot clearer, the shadows much more familiar...kinda' creepy, but I feel a lot more at peace, except I want to know, and the things I want to know about are harder than hell to find. Give me hand yeah?
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