The Schizo Drama, Episode 6
Date Thursday, April 18, 2024 - 05:26 PM PST
Topic Experiences

Yes, I know, it's me again. There seems to be a lot of postable stuff having to do with pregnancy and the sucky losers who get you that way. But, I promise, this is the last for a while, since once again I am going to be computerless.
I got a result back from a test yesterday. I have an STD. It's curable, and won't harm the baby, but needless to say I was pissed. So, late last night, I finally got a chance to inform the BF, saying that he probably should get checked out, and also his ex. He was just kind of whiny about it, complaining about one more thing in his life to go wrong. As if I don't have a million things to deal with all at once here myself, without any support from him at all.

Somehow, the discussion escalated into an argument. I had another issue to address - the fact that when he brings his ex here illegally, he just leaves his kids to rampage around the house, unless I want to keep track of them and thus become their free baby-sitter. He and she just go off into his room and never poke a nose out until it's time for food.

Well, this time I had enough. My new roommate was trying to move in, and the kids were constantly underfoot, and his son had just broken my telescope. So my first opportunity (last night) I brought it up. He didn't give a damn.

The argument ranged from subject to subject, as arguments often do. Eventually, it lighted on the subject on if he had ever broken promises to me. Well, he claimed he had never in the year we had been together said the words "I promise" which is the stupidest lie I ever heard. I got so mad I slapped him. It's the only time I've ever struck him in anger, and I'm only partly sorry. Anyway, I was so fed up with him that I told him to leave now, I didn't care about the rent, and to bring back my stuff he took to his ex's house within a week or I would get the cops involved.

He left today. He came home early from work. I had already paid rent, barely scraping the money together, paying with coin rolls and leaving only $2 in bills to my name. I asked him for his share of the rent, but he refused and said he was going to the hospital. The psyche ward. He said he tried to slit his wrist at work. He showed the mark to me. It looked like shallow cat scratches on the back of his wrist. That's not slitting your wrist, in my book. But anyway, he's so crazy he needs the psyche ward. Maybe THEY can knock some sense into him.

Then, after a while, the ex started calling from her little two-bit part-time job at the laundromat. First two messages were begging for the BF, but the third was directed towards me. Apparently he had gotten in touch with her. She told me, in scathing tones, that she didn't have any diseases, and that I got it somewhere else. (I have never slept with anyone in my entire life but the BF, and in the past year that he's been with me, he has only slept with me and her. Unless there's another girl involved that I don't know of, and I asked, it was scarcely unreasonable to wonder if it originated with her.) She ended her message with the sweet words, "I hope you lose your kid."

Nice girl that, huh?

Anyway, now I need to get rid of the BF's stuff, get my own things back (I'll have them charged with theft, if necessary. I talked to the cops about it.) and change my phone number. Probably change my locks, too. Talk to the realtor about changing the lease, which we would have had to do this month anyway, and more or less try to make it through this time without going out and breaking necks. But when I get rid of his stuff, I'll have to take the computer back to the rental company (again) and once again have to rely on library or friends' computers to communicate.

My life right now seems like a big test to see how many huge issues I can handle at once. Luckily, my roommate Charlotte is an utter sweetheart and completely supportive, and somehow I'm managing to retain my sanity, and even my happiness in spite of all the things on my mind. I think I'm going to survive!
The last episode can be found here
This article comes from Shmeng

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