Goin' Postal
Date Saturday, April 20, 2024 - 02:09 AM PST
Topic News

Spam. Junk mail. Circulars. Local papers. Pizza flyers. Cleaning services flyers. Windshield repair flyers. Things in plastic bags. Things that hang on the door knob. ahh the good old days.

White powder in envelopes being mailed from all over the country. Blue envelopes with viral soaked sponges. Email warnings about staying out of malls on Halloween. Chat messages saying I ant talk to you anymore or I might be killed. ahh the bad new days.
i've seen some bad things in my life. I have seen the shadows waitng down the dark alley. I have seen shot guns under trenchcoats, boot blades buried in walls, and the stange, clean, small holes that bullets leave in bodies and walls. I have seen the bruises that hand cuffs leave and the soul eating quality of the holding cell. I have seen the bruises and stitches that come from face to face conflict. I have seen the closet casket with a single rose on it at the funeral. I have seen the open casket and the total realness that waits inside. I have seen the blood and bile that comes with a gut wound.

I dont watch horror movies because they are make me remember real horror. The distorted, smokey mirror that they hold up to real life is still clear enough for me to see the past.

So you are asking what the hell my mailbox has to do with horror movies. Everything.

Im not real keen on getting Anthrax. It sounds like a real bad time. Im not real keen on getting a new impoved dysentery virus. I really dont want to be part of that statistic either. My mailbox is now dangerous, not from the "terrorists" whoever they may be, but from the copycat killers that will use this as an excuse to mail hate and disease to random people just to make more misery in the world.

I dont want to lose the friends that I have made in the Middle East to bullets, bombs, disease, or stoning. They are just kids, pampered and protected rich kids with net access. The oldest is 17 and the youngest; a pushy puppy of a girl, is 13 and dont need to die that way.

I dont want to see Secret Service people, Federal Agents, or reservists posted at malls, schools, and bus depos. I dont want to see thier guns and thier fear. I dont want to see the hunted look on the faces of the shoppers and commuters. Our kids already have that look, we have been at war on the campuses for almost 15 years now.

I remember what it was like to visit the "plague ward" (the very tasteless nickname for the AiDS ward before they called it AIDS) and see the doctors weeping in the hallways, the empty eyed nurses, the lack of family or friends that you would think would be there. I dont want to have to wear a mask and booties to see my friends dying. I dont want to be afriad to touch them or hold thier hand.

How long with it take before the door hangers, instead of selling pizza, are selling mail opening services, water purifying tablets, and reminders to give blood?

How long will it take before the supermarket has armed guards and sniffers at the doors? Before we are all scared to eat fresch fruit or vegetables? How long before background checks on meat cutters? How long before check points at gas stations? how long before weekly blood tests for postal workers?

I had nightmares the past few nights that had these elements in them, about people straying thier mail with Lysol, not letting thier kids leave the house, eating only canned foods, and putting chlorine pills in thier water. People buying guns just to go to the suppermarket.

Its already like this in other countries that have been at war for years. They already walk in real fear everyday of everday things.

I also wonder how long it will be before the smart or rich start heading for other countries. small inoffensive countries that will do business with anyone and try to never piss off and dangerous group.

I wonder if you can get DSL service in a data haven?

This article comes from Shmeng

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