If these are the best years of my life, I'm killing myself
Date Thursday, April 18, 2024 - 09:48 AM PST
Topic Rant

Rant about this, rant about that. I seem to rant a lot. Anyway- this hour's topic- High School. That torture that it seems every human being (or at least 90% of Americans) are required to experience. Before I get really into this rant though, I feel I must explain a couple of things.
First, I live in Idaho. In a farming town who's main attractions are the state mental hospital and potato museum. That in and of itself is enough, it seems, to make one go bonkers. But let's just add to this the fact that my high school is infested with people who refuse to belive that there are ideas in this world that wern't thought up by famous people. The debate program, the one place where I always am able to at least have some kind of decent, educated conversation is now full of Freshman that are annyoing beyond belief. I'll admit, some freshman are truely nice people who are responsible and even can think for themselves, but these people are few and far between.
Yet another thing to add to these problems is that this entire area is full of LDS people- Mormons. No offence to the religion, but it gets REALLY F'in old when I can't even go to school wearing what I'm comfortable in, or walk around with my best friend, or give people hugs in the halls, without having teachers, administrators and students give me shit. I'll admit, my best friend is, to say the least, a bit more extreme than me. Still though, why should it be a problem if we hug when we see each other between classes? There are couples of LDS kids making out in the halls, and nobody says anything. But God, Lord and Lady, or whomever forbid that a Catholic girl (me) and a Wiccan (her) be open about their religion, their friendship, and wear something besides name-brand clothes?
Alright, I feel I have to be fair to the people that aren't like that. There are some people at BHS that don't mind being considered one of my friends, and they are very good friends. Still a very small percentage in a school of 1,500 though.
That brings up another thing- why the hell can't our city realize that a school built 50 years ago and added onto over the years (in small sections) built to hold 1,000 students at the most, cannot handle as many students as there are. We don't even have an AUDITORIUM! We have ONE gym. The school sucks, most of the people suck, and I will be so glad when I get out. If these are the best 4 years of my life, I'm killing myself after graduation day.

This article comes from Shmeng

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