Sex Ed.
Date Friday, April 26, 2024 - 07:05 PM PST
Topic Smut

I fell into conversation with some kids the other day and the conversation turned to sex, as it so often does. Someone said that sex is bad , another said that only weird sex was bad , another said that it would kill you and that was bad , another said that sex makes you do bad things.
I was baffled. I could have understood all these comments if I had been talking to 10 year olds, but these people were in thier late tenns/early twenties. And they think that sex is bad, will turn you into a bad person, then kill you.

I said hey wait, sex gives people joy, babies, intimacy, a better understanding of themselves and others (if done well) and the chance to show off and be treasured. Sex is good, makes you a better person, and makes you more alive.

They then told me about the diseases that you can get (they missed a few, and got the symtoms wrong on the others). They told me about teenagers having babies (like it is something new and terrible). They told me about sex crimes (and they all honestly thought that rape was about sex, not about power).

I was amazed. I was dazed after the barrage, dancing kights before my eyes kind of dazed.
I asked where they had learned all this nonsense. They said "Everyone know it, duh".

Everyone except medical professionals, prostitutes, people living in non-western societies, therapists, rapists, and most people that listened when they went to planned parenthood.

This scared me. I mean, these people arent celebate, they just think that what they are doing is will drive them insane then kill them. So much propoganda has soaked in to thier heads, and somehow all the facts leaked out.

They even believe that you can get AIDS from shaking hands or using a public toilet.

I am horrified.

This article comes from Shmeng

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