Over the course of a few months you would go on to rape, sodomize and
murder over 16 people in the Los Angles area. Viciously stabbing or
shooting your victims, you would go as far as gouging out their eyes and
stabbing their chests repeatedly to the point of complete mutilation. You
worship Satan.
____________________ "When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never
tried before." ~Mae West
Posts: 511 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 27/1/2004 at 06:20 AM
Ted Bundy
You attacked while women walked in parks, who were found later to have been
raped and strangled to death, but sometimes you went so far as breaking
into their houses as they slept and beating them to death with a crow bar.
After being caught, you escaped and killed 3 more people. You were
I never would have guessed...
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 656 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 27/1/2004 at 07:55 AM
Jack the Ripper
The knife is your best friend. You love being the lilith on the prowl late
at night, looking for protitutes to mutilate. Your killing spree has gone
unsolved for over 100 years, and chances are no one will know for sure who
you really were.
Sounds about right...
[Edited on 1/27/2004 by Anya]
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 893 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 27/1/2004 at 11:10 AM
Hmm... another quiz we got in common, Star. I got Ramirez, too.
Good ol' serial killin... nothin like it.
____________________ Piggy's got the Conch!
Posts: 50 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 27/1/2004 at 12:02 PM
Wow... I'm more sadistic than I thought...
Jeffrey Dahmer
You abducted, drugged, sodomized, tortured, murdered and devoured your
young male victims one at a time. You would drug your victims, then proceed
to drill a hole into their head, inserting acid into the brain, keeping the
body alive but killing all other functions. You called them "sex zombies".
____________________ Being Passionate is the only way to survive
Posts: 287 Registered: 31/10/2003 Status: Offline
posted on 27/1/2004 at 12:56 PM
OMG! Tallidaho, you and I both got Dahmer.
*zombie* Brrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains?
In the meantime, Captain Crunch must die!
(That's my kind of cereal killer.)
____________________ "To Live is to Annoy." -- Rev. Lambert Reilly, Archabbot, St. Meinrad Abbey
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 658 Registered: 27/5/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 27/1/2004 at 03:38 PM
I'm Jack the Ripper. At first I was let down that I wasn't the Son of Sam
or the Zodiac killer but when I think about how I'd have to answer those
questions ESPECIALLY for the Son of Sam....
i wanted to die, and then it progressed into wanting everyone else to
die so i could watch, and then me die.
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 618 Registered: 27/9/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 27/1/2004 at 05:26 PM
Well imagine that, Ironboots
____________________ "When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've
tried before." ~Mae West
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 856 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 27/1/2004 at 09:02 PM
Ramirez here too...
And I'd never call myself the Night Stalker...reminds me of that creepy
Kolchak guy...I'd call my self the Night Greg...argh...Greg will
sodo-stabimize your eyeballs for satan and celine dion!
____________________ In the valley of the Goats, the Goat Fucker is King
Posts: 470 Registered: 23/9/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 27/1/2004 at 09:05 PM
Ed Gein
You've inspired classic films such as Psycho, Silence of The Lambs, and The
Texas Chainsaw Massacre. You dug up graves of the recently dead and would
try to invoke your mothers spirit into them. You would make furnature and
clothing from the carcass, and cannibalized the dead.
Now, see, that's just out right flattery, I mean, you can't beat Ed the
____________________ It's like kegel exercises for your throat.~Monolycus
You attacked while women walked in parks, who were found later to have been
raped and strangled to death, but sometimes you went so far as breaking
into their houses as they slept and beating them to death with a crow bar.
After being caught, you escaped and killed 3 more people. You were
I disagree with this... I would be a serial killer that kills stupid
people... with guile and cunning... not with simply psychotic
____________________ The earth turns on a tilted axis - just doing the best it can.
Hohenheim of Light~Full Metal Alchemist
Posts: 246 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 28/1/2004 at 07:17 AM
I'm Ted Bundy also... strange,,,, but interesting... I don't think there
were many choices, there weren't too many questions.
____________________ When the world is over, will we wonder how it began?
Posts: 58 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 28/1/2004 at 12:10 PM
Albert Fish
You were a masochistic, pedophile obsessed with religious themes such as
sin, sacrifice, and redemption through pain. You kidnapped, killed, and ate
your victims (most of which were children). You were the cannibal model for
Hannibal Lecter.
Hmm, so I would shout "I am Christ!" up into the sky...
____________________ "Truth is always on the move. It is always somewhere, but never in the
foreground, never on the surface."
-Franz Marc
the more thought I give it... the more that annoys me...LOL
See, most serial killers are psychotic, with no discerning right and
wrong... my sense of ritght and wrong are just different than most....
____________________ The earth turns on a tilted axis - just doing the best it can.
Hohenheim of Light~Full Metal Alchemist
Posts: 83 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 28/1/2004 at 07:26 PM
Ramirez ~ but what I want to know is, who is the sick Ffuck who created
this thing? And how sick am I for actually taking the wuiz?
____________________ The perfect mind is like a mirror. It grasps nothing. It expects nothing.
It reflects but does not hold. Therefore, the perfect man can act without
~Chuang Tsu
Posts: 5 Registered: 31/1/2004 Status: Offline
posted on 31/1/2004 at 03:09 AM
Jeffrey Dahmer
You abducted, drugged, sodomized, tortured, murdered and devoured your
young male victims one at a time. You would drug your victims, then proceed
to drill a hole into their head, inserting acid into the brain, keeping the
body alive but killing all other functions. You called them "sex zombies".
Occasional Poster
Posts: 23 Registered: 14/12/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 31/1/2004 at 07:31 PM
Ed Gein
You've inspired classic films such as Psycho, Silence of The Lambs, and The
Texas Chainsaw Massacre. You dug up graves of the recently dead and would
try to invoke your mothers spirit into them. You would make furnature and
clothing from the carcass, and cannibalized the dead.
one word, no, make that three words: gross, but cool
Dom: nice to know i'm not the only freak lol
[Edited on 2/1/2004 by PoeticChaos]
Posts: 9 Registered: 1/2/2004 Status: Offline
posted on 1/2/2004 at 07:11 PM
Wow. I am Ramirez, and surprised. It's good to know that if I ever feel
like killing anyone, or more like ever want to spend my life in prison, I
know who to copy-cat. My life is now complete. HOORAYYY!
By the way... I'm new. You can just call me Ricky. Ricky Ramirez. muah ha
____________________ Does anybody feel this way? Does anybody feel like I do? Though half of me
is gone, the lonesome part is there. I cannot find the other half.
Posts: 119 Registered: 4/4/2004 Status: Offline
posted on 10/4/2004 at 10:34 PM
What infamous serial killer are you?
Jack the Ripper
The knife is your best friend. You love being the lilith on the prowl late
at night, looking for protitutes to mutilate. Your killing spree has gone
unsolved for over 100 years, and chances are no one will know for sure who
you really were.
I love it!
____________________ I know whats it like to want to die, how it hurts to smile, how you try to
fit in but you can't, how you hurt yourself on the outside, to try to kill
the pain in the inside.
Posts: 104 Registered: 30/1/2004 Status: Offline
posted on 10/4/2004 at 11:07 PM
Ed Gein
You've inspired classic films such as Psycho, Silence of The Lambs, and The
Texas Chainsaw Massacre. You dug up graves of the recently dead and would
try to invoke your mothers spirit into them. You would make furnature and
clothing from the carcass, and cannibalized the dead.
thats creepy....just not like me.....0_0
____________________ so happy, but cant smile,
so sad, but cant cry...
so tired, but cant sleep,
grown wings, but cant fly......