Just a random thought, but well...
whilst perusing the chat rooms of MSN (yes, it was late and no one was
online, I was bored!) I discovered a distinct trend in the name of not just
the chat rooms but the chatters themselves.
Virtually all of the 'goth' chatrooms are named, for example 'Ye Dark
Tavern', 'Forest of Magick' etcetera. Usually something medieval, or pretty
much any dark place with an 'e' tacked on the end.
As for the chatters, 90% of them have written their names with confusing,
elaborate fonts and named themselves after mythical creatures of completely
random words altogether. At first I didnt notice it - it was hard to make
out anything between the squiggles and foreign lettering. But then I
realised, well, they were frequently just a jumble of letters. Also, lots
of 'lady' 'faerie' 'lords' etc.
Is this the 'gothic' thing? Whenever I've gone into these chatrooms and
enquired, they've kicked me out rather than
explaining. Except for the one exception when one girl announced "there are
no goth trends, I'm unique!". It might have passed if only her name wasnt
almost exactly the same as ten others in the room.
I feel free to post about it here because I've only seen, if I remember
correctly, one case of this. But why is this weird lettering so popular?
Why are all the names mythical or make no sense? I just dont understand the
connection betwen 'Quaedryate' - thats the version without all the
thingamys - and erm, 'gothness'.
____________________ Let viagra bring the magic back.
Posts: 317 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Online
posted on 18/1/2003 at 06:37 PM
I have nothing to say on this topic other than to compliment you on your
brilliant use of the word "thingamys"
____________________ So Sayeth Me
Posts: 189 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 18/1/2003 at 09:37 PM
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 897 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 19/1/2003 at 06:05 AM
I must admit that, while afflicted with extreme boredom, I have ventured
into that murky land known as the "goth chatroom".
Chatroom goths are almost categorically the most judgemental, illogical,
superiority-complex-ridden people I have ever come across, except, perhaps
the chatroom Christians.
Most of the conversations consisted of how much the person hated life, or
how stupid other groups were.
I tried to introduce a few elements of logic and sanity. I'm sure that
everyone was happy to have someone to label as "not really goth." If only
they knew how I "didn't really care."
And yes, I've noticed how chatroom goths love to use handles that are
painfully creative. It seems they put a tragic amount of effort into being
different, considering that they end up nearly identical.
____________________ "You can tell by the scars on my arms and the cracks in my hips and the
dents in my car and the blisters on my lips that I'm not the carefullest of
girls." - Dresden Dolls, "Girl Anachronism"
Posts: 580 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 19/1/2003 at 11:41 AM
Hard to say where the faux mediaeval thing comes from, Erish... although I
have heard that a great way to meet women is to go to your local
Renaissance Faire and have "Raven" paged. Generally speaking, a solid
quarter of the fairgoers will show up at the information booth to find out
who was asking for them.
Chatrooms are, as a rule, vast untapped reservoirs of self indulgence, so I
am not remotely surprised to hear that they have an abundance of
superfluous letters floating around attaching themselves like barnacles to
the screen names of passersby. There must be a causal explanation for it,
but until I can get some goffs into my laboratory and distill them down
into their constituent elements (I'm guessing it is 45% angst, 45% FD&C
Black #3, and 10% trace elements) I can really only hypothesize. I'll let
you know when I'm ready to publish my findings in the Amerikane Journale of
ye Medicyne. Until then, I am
Posts: 254 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 19/1/2003 at 12:27 PM
Oh, jesus, you approached them all wrong. I have been going to MSN chats
forever, and I am usually drawn to the Satanic chats. I know how to deal
with these fuckers. Just AIM me and we'll discuss.
____________________ The OBOLISK is Divine.
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 759 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 19/1/2003 at 06:17 PM
please , please, please can i be your lab assistant? PLEASE?????? I can
help round them up! or maybe just the disinfectant/decontamination
processes? Gimme some rubber gloves, a quota, and a VNV cd and i can have
'em to you in a matter of hours.
and for a bit of fun at the ren faires, try paging wolf after you page
raven.... matching making at its easiest and most scary.
Posts: 470 Registered: 23/9/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 19/1/2003 at 08:54 PM
I don't know, if we page Wolf it might be to confusing for old Mono.
As for the hypothetical makeup of a goth, I think you are allowing for far
to many trace elements. I figure you have at least 2% hairspray and
1%makeup, maybe 3% leather and then maybe 5% trace elements.
If you do go desecting goths can I have the skulls for candleholders?
____________________ It's like kegel exercises for your throat.~Monolycus
Posts: 580 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 20/1/2003 at 04:43 PM
Callei: Of course you can be my lab assistant. The wheezing, Slavic
hunchback that I had been using is about to get the boot anyway... he keeps
bringing back the wrong brains when I send him out.
DK: Your projection only accounted for 11% of a goff. I'm not sliding any
crania your way until you fix the bookkeeping error that makes a goff 89%
dark matter (although now that I think of it... it would reconcile a few
To Whom It May Concern: I am not going to fall for the fake page again!
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 856 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 20/1/2003 at 05:37 PM
Personally I tend to think it's a large group of petulant, whiny
look-at-me's. The more cryptic and detailed a call-sign, apparently the
more mysterious, wonderful and unique the person...whatever. My own
research in the matter was short lived as I'm generally booted out
something fierce within the first five minutes. Maybe it's just me, but
something about just those names makes me want to rub powedered glass in
their eyes. Of course thats being judgemental, which is bad...ah fuck it,
who am I kidding? Fuck them, fuck them in their stupid goat asses.
Subtsance and intelligence are so amazingly rare in those Ye Olde Hoopajoos
that spending to much time around them can literally prove infectious...an
Internet Communicable Disease of sorts...we should burn 'em all and let god
sort 'em out.
Or maybe thats just my Preacher side speaking out, they could just be
bored, simple people having their way of fun...which is fine, but still
____________________ In the valley of the Goats, the Goat Fucker is King
the more complex the name, spelling, and pronounciation the more free time
they have on their hands....usually they have that much free time for a
I went into ONE goth chat room ONCE....and stayed only long enough to make
everyone there and their dog thoroughly HATE ME. Usually it was after some
dipshit named "lord of the weeping absinthe sipping self loathing panty
pissers" got me to turn on his cam and prompted me to laugh at him so hard
over VC that the little tech geek flooded my comp with IM bombs.
I usually stick to the satanism rooms. They still suck tho, never seen a
bunch of ignorant fuckwits and half high christian evangelists bent on
saving me one minute and telling me I'm going to hell the next.
Hence, I only enter the world of "chat" when I'm thoroughly drunk.
The net is always best after a few.
____________________ Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas.
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 618 Registered: 27/9/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 21/1/2003 at 02:12 AM
Back when I had mirc, I went into this room that was called something to
the effect of french speaking goths or whatever...so I went in to be
disruptive. They were speaking french and I just started saying stuff like
"Can I have some French fries?", "I need a French maid.", "I want to French
kiss." I thought they'd get pissed but they actually laughed. I didn't stay
around.....cuz damnit I was trying to be disruptive. *lol*
____________________ "When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never
tried before." ~Mae West
Posts: 522 Registered: 6/7/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 21/1/2003 at 02:35 PM
“Goffs" were a old Germanic tribe aye? Fanciful names I say may just come
from that tradition...either that or it’s another “goffic” cliche. Well, to
be honest, my aolim s/n does follow that cliche...still, it’s catchy. I
just don’t chat online much so I don't care much for the issue. heh.
Yeah, I have been a patron of these chats before. Whenever I get bored I
go to them just to get some kicks. Funny to watch what the other people
do, also it gets my creative juices flowing....sounds gross...hehe.
____________________ "People always say what we are looking for is a meaning for life…I don't
think that's what we're looking for. I think what we're looking for is the
experience of being alive." -Joseph Campbell
Posts: 463 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 22/1/2003 at 11:50 AM
I normally just ignore anybody whose name is something like
~^^\%^~B0B~^/%^^~ on basic principle, so I don't really have much insight
into what makes them tick, but I bet it has something to do with cutting
themselves and pouring the blood into a goblet then drinking it so they can
be a vampire.
Or is that Vampyre, what is the proper term for a someone that is a
Oh wait, that's it, it's "Moron".
____________________ Sometimes I dream about dinosaurs shopping for cargo shorts at the Gap.
Does that make me a bad person?
Posts: 206 Registered: 1/1/2003 Status: Offline
posted on 22/1/2003 at 06:10 PM
They're judgemental little bastards too. God forbid you don't weep at the
moon and wear pewter evything. I was there one time, discussing (or making
a valiant attempt) Existentialism, and I got attacked because I told them I
didn't wear black anymore. I said yeah, I like retro clothing from the 70's
like polyester and cords, and sometimes I'll wear all black suits. Of
course to any well read scholar of the goth pages, I was now a poser and a
loser, and the concept that I can like the occult and wear blue or yellow
is evil. In a bad way. This was enough to teach me the obvious level of
inteligence I was dealing with. Liking retro=no gothness. period. Fuck em
____________________ “The only thing that can alter the good writer is death.”
“You know that if I were reincarnated, I’d want to come back a buzzard.
Nothing hates him. He is never bothered or in danger, and he can eat
Posts: 580 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 23/1/2003 at 05:22 PM
I'm hoping that last comment was tongue-in-cheek, Squire. I would hate to
be the one to point out the irony in making a statement like "They're
judgemental little bastards too".
Posts: 206 Registered: 1/1/2003 Status: Offline
posted on 23/1/2003 at 10:54 PM
You know me too well. I can't really complain about them; one sect of
"gothness" is just as respectable as the next in my opinion. They're angry,
though. Oh well. Live and let live.
____________________ “The only thing that can alter the good writer is death.”
“You know that if I were reincarnated, I’d want to come back a buzzard.
Nothing hates him. He is never bothered or in danger, and he can eat
Posts: 580 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 24/1/2003 at 12:56 PM
That's always a sound philosophy. Unless you're Paul McArtney.
Posts: 580 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 24/1/2003 at 01:02 PM
Hmm. I misspelled the hell out of McCartney's name. I think I had him
confused in my mind with Art McGarfunkel. Of course, in this
forum, I could simply put an "e" on the end of it and say I am being
goffik. Goffike? Goffique? Coffee? Coughing? Ah well... perhaps another