I was out surfing the net when I came across something from my youth. This
was sung by Ernie on ataped episode of Sesame Street I grew up with:
Well, I'd like to visit the moon
On a rocket ship high in the air
Yes, I'd like to visit the moon
But I don't think I'd like to live there
Though I'd like to look down at the earth from above
I would miss all the places and people I love
So although I might like it for one afternoon
I don't want to live on the moon
I'd like to travel under the sea
I could meet all the fish everywhere
Yes, I'd travel under the sea
But I don't think I'd like to live there
I might stay for a day there if I had my wish
But there's not much to do when your friends are all fish
And an oyster and clam aren't real family
So I don't want to live in the sea
I'd like to visit the jungle, hear the lions roar
Go back in time and meet a dinosaur
There's so many strange places I'd like to be
But none of them permanently
So if I should visit the moon
Well, I'll dance on a moonbeam and then
I will make a wish on a star
And I'll wish I was home once again
Though I'd like to look down at the earth from above
I would miss all the places and people I love
So although I may go I'll be coming home soon
'Cause I don't want to live on the moon
No, I don't want to live on the moon
This made me sob like a baby. I'm still crying as I type this.
Just wondering, does anybody else have anything hopelessly romantic that
makes them cry that they'd like to share?
"It's not rocket science, it's a simple question. Do you wanna go to mars
with a dead man and a sandwich?!" ~harry carrey
Yeah, there are...I'm such a sap to admit it too. "Hit song" by peter
murphy makes me BAWL....
and I can barely hold it together after hearing Louis Armstrong's "what a
wonderful world". I don't know what it is about those songs, but I turn
into a friggin baby when I hear them. They're just so GOOD and so SAD and
so HAPPY and...I dunno...
____________________ Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas.
Posts: 213 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 27/10/2002 at 10:41 AM
Guess it's just you and me sitting on the couch witha box of kleenex and
the Louis Armstrong CD's, Bettie.
____________________ Make way for the bad guy!
Posts: 68 Registered: 13/7/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 27/10/2002 at 10:48 AM
for soem reason the ending of the 6th sence always makes me water up. LOL.
Posts: 8 Registered: 23/10/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 27/10/2002 at 11:29 AM
i dont know, maybe its just the "mom" in me, but i get extremely emotional
when i see children in danger in movies, when parents die and leave their
children, and **rolling eyes at myself** even when pets get hit by cars.
Louis Armstrong and Billie Holliday...you bring the tissues and I"ll bring
the booze.
____________________ Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas.
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 618 Registered: 27/9/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 27/10/2002 at 11:00 PM
I get very teary-eyed with the song "Fall with your knife" by Peter
Murphy...and the song "Time passages" by Al Stewart.....and when I read or
see stories about animals being reunited with their owners or rescued or
doing the rescues.....*reaches for the tissues just thinking about some of
that stuff*....
____________________ "When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never
tried before." ~Mae West
Posts: 190 Registered: 6/5/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 27/10/2002 at 11:10 PM
November Rain by Guns and Roses. Not that it makes me cry, but it makes me
remember things from my past. Plus i was born a Wendsdays child in
____________________ "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. I'm a schizophrenic, and so am I".
Oh god november rain...I'm a fucking GNR MANIAC. That song has a lot of
memories for me too....about 8 years old, just got done with my sister's
new crimper *yay* trying to play it on my mom's friggin electric
keyboard/organ thing...rather unsuccesfully mind you.
You know axel wrote that song to keep his girlfriend from dumping him...it
worked, temporarily
That song by johnny cash...the "I was born in the soul of misery, I've had
my fill.."...it doesn't make me cry perse, but it just makes me
feel..uh...just sort of desperate and cold. I love that song, I just hate
how it makes me feel. Too many imaginary tied in emotions and thoughts and
feelings...not sad..just desolate.
You know what song ALWAYS sends me wailing, even if I'm driving...like I
have to turn the station or hit to the next song on the cd when it comes up
or I'm DONE...
"Somebody" by Depeche Mode.
"tho things like this/make you sick/in times like this/I'll get away with
For some reason that song just breaks me into two little bleary
puddles...it's such a LONELY song, not depressing, but achingly lonely and
wanting and sad, even if it's supposed to be a love song. I think it's
right there with "what a wonderful world", even if only a step behind. I
cry without fail to BOTH of those songs.
And starlight, on one of the more recent Peter albums, Recall, the very
last track, the one with no music, just him singing....my god. If "I'll
fall" makes you cry, this one will ruin you. "this message will endure it
strong, this journey's one way ticket long"
*bawls, runs and locks self in the bathroom*
Even if a song makes you cry, it can still be your favorite,,,sometimes you
cry because it makes you remember great wonderful things, sometimes because
it makes you remember sad, lonley, and worse times...and sometimes it just
hits you in such a way the only way you CAN express the feeling it gives
you is simply tears.
This is one damned fine forum comedian.
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Extreme Fanatic
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posted on 28/10/2002 at 12:50 AM
Oh man, when I watch (sometimes just listen to) "The Wall" it makes my eyes
That and I have a special connection to "Here Comes the Rain Again" by the
"Take on Mee" by Aha brings back memories but not the kind that make mee
Posts: 241 Registered: 16/7/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 28/10/2002 at 01:29 AM
Lisa Gerrard's first solo album... Mozart's Requiem... Cure's Picture Of
You... Faith And The Muse live... A-ha's Hunting High And Low... Clan
Of Xymox' Backdoor... Kate Bush' Wuthering Heights... Well, any sad song
when I have a hangover, really!
____________________ All stressed out and no one to choke...
Posts: 116 Registered: 14/4/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 28/10/2002 at 04:58 AM
I'm another one that always cries when the animals in films get hurt...
like in Black Beauty... God, I cried my heart out at that film. And reading
'Call of the Wild' when they're mean to the dog, and, when I was eight, the
book 'Hurry Home Candy' both used to send me into a little sobbing ball.
Posts: 376 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 28/10/2002 at 05:00 AM
Oops, ^ That was me, I swear I signed in!
____________________ Do not fear death so much, but rather the inadequate life.
Posts: 241 Registered: 16/7/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 28/10/2002 at 05:37 AM
Shit yes, I remember having serious Cleenex-issues when I read Lassie
aaages ago... And I still get way too sentimental when Nicodemus dies in
The Secret Of Nimh - or whatever it's called in English!
____________________ All stressed out and no one to choke...
Posts: 213 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 28/10/2002 at 03:41 PM
Books are another crying point for me.
When I last read Siddhartha I had to work hard to hold back the tears at
the end of the book. I finished the book in one sitting, and then read it
again, and I didn't crack but I came damn close to crying.
The other book that was a real tearjerker for me-- and I'm almost ashamaed
to admit it-- "Of Mice and Men." A lot of people laugh at me for crying at
the end of that book, but it just struck some chord in me.
As for movies, I've cried at only a few. I cried at "Shawshank
Redemption." I cried during "I am Sam." I cried during "Shall We Dance."
I also cried during "Amadeus."
But songs, man, can they make you die. Die and come alive a few verses
later and die again with the refrain-- some songs you can just sit and sing
along to and feel some part of yourself touching another. I may not seem
like it, but I cannot sing Amazing Grace or Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
without bursting into tears. Something about that root heart of gospel
music just hits me in the stomach and drops me to my knees like a Mace
____________________ Make way for the bad guy!
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 618 Registered: 27/9/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 28/10/2002 at 10:31 PM
I don't think I've ever cried quite so long ...in an all-consuming sobbing
manner...with a movie as much as I did with Titanic-the motion
picture....omg I was sobbing in the theatre bathroom for at least fifteen
minutes and so was everyone else in there....I can still cry when I play
the cd from the movie...
____________________ "When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've
tried before." ~Mae West
Oh jesus i saw that movie...but I was trapped on the couch with the flu and
my MOM had the remote *groan*
I didn't get it. Probably because I knew how it was going to end. THere
is only ONE possible ending to it...the boat sinks. I should start my own
psychic hotline *grin*
The ONLY part that got me a little TINY bit sniffly was the old couple on
the bed just laying holding each other as the water got deeper, and that's
ONLY because I got this thing for little old people. I luv 'em, I adore
'em, and it REALLY bothers me to see old people hurt/in danger/dead.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not demeaning you because you like it at
all....it's just there was this girl that ran the radio in the lunchroom in
the morning and she would literally play that goddamned celine dion song
for the ENTIRE 45 MIN over and over and over and over and over....*screams
and pulls out hair*
We all got our weak spots don't we? *grin* I guess I'm just not girly
enough...michael says I'm "butch" *snicker*
If it makes you feel better I cried at "gone with the wind". THERE I ADMIT
____________________ Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas.
Posts: 376 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 29/10/2002 at 03:53 AM
Oh Goddess, yeah. I never cried at Titanic, the bit where Jack died didn't
really bother me, but the old people in bed waiting for the water to rise
and the mother telling her kids the story about the lad of nod, that made
my stomach go wobbly.
Actually I'm the same for songs like Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Something
about them does the wobbly thing to my stomach as well and makes me want to
cry. I haven't a *clue* why!
____________________ Do not fear death so much, but rather the inadequate life.
Posts: 213 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 29/10/2002 at 09:11 AM
A couple things I wanted to add on that I just remembered-- I cried during
Lady and the Tramp. Oh yeah. I had to leave the room and cry.
I few Clint Eastwood movies i have sniffled at-- Thunderbolt and Lightfoot,
and The Outlaw Josie Wales. Those scenes where he puts the cigar in the
dead kid's mouth always sent me to the little girl's room.*hah*
The Green Mile. Oh yeah.
And I do cry during quite a few Ray Charles songs.
And thanks Bettie, every now and then I try.
____________________ Make way for the bad guy!
Posts: 189 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 29/10/2002 at 04:34 PM
I would have to agree GNR gets me all misty eyed.............
November Rain
Don't Cry
Knockin on Heavens Door
I also cry when I watch certain movies................
Beauty and the Beast (always gets me everytime)
Legends of the Fall (he had the worst fucking luck!)
The Green Mile
and I am sure plenty more, anything where animals die makes me cry like a
little baby!