I´ve started this forum thread because we´ve gotten a few introductions in
the submissions. I think this would be a more appropriate place for new
people to introduce themseleves, or for people who haven´t said much to
introduce themselves, etc.
So, please, if you´re new and wanting an easy way to start talking with the
crazies on here, here´s your chance.
Welcome new people. Play nice.
(I´m ickgirl, resident..um..well, I don´t have a title, but I serve some
sort of purpose. I´ve been around since before the inception of the site,
when Devin and I used other means of airing and exorcising shmeng - but I
won´t go into that now.)
Posts: 115 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 21/4/2002 at 06:47 PM
:::funky theme music in background:::
Hi. I´m pAris. I´m a Sagitarrius. I am a musician and an artist
(read: poor), and I love to read and dance and have a good time.
Turn ons: when people break stereotypes, girls with glasses, whipped cream,
good music. Turn offs: people who scream "WOOO!" at the top of their
lungs, poison ivy, extreme anything, meat-heads.
Posts: 114 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 21/4/2002 at 08:00 PM
going with the music theme...cheap seventies porno music...
Ok, I can join this game...
*clearing throat* Hey, I\´m Sarah, I\´m a 20 yr old Scorpio. I think I am
a cock in the chinese zodiac. I go to college (LIberal arts and social
sciences-bullshit major) I usually have my nose buried in a book, or lost
in my own little world, I like the woods, I like to read, and occasionally
go out dancing (badly) and drinking (to much) I love cats and snakes( I
have four cats and one snake, although none live with me right now, cause I
stay on campus), animals in general, hiking, writing, and rough sex (I HAD
to throw that in). I play the flute (since fourth grade), I know a little
French, and am pretty fluent with sign language. I have an extremly
overactive imagination, so I avoid hallucinogenic and other drugs (not to
mention that whole they could kill you thing) I just smoke too many
cigarettes, drink occasionally (straight vodka-the expensive stuff), and
once in a blue moon (meaning like maybe once or twice a year) I get stoned.
I dislike preppies, bigotry, politics, war, and the color pink. Thats
about it, that i can think of anyway.
Since everyone else added it, as far as the physical I am about 5´6" or so,
long hair that is red/plum colored (naturally strawberry blond, but thats
beween you and me), green eyes (naturally and with the help of contacts)
very pale skin, pierced nose and four piercings in each ear.
____________________ this is your world in which we grow and we will grow to hate you
Posts: 317 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Online
posted on 21/4/2002 at 09:10 PM
Music theme... cheap 13hundreds gregorian chant...
Hi, I´m Devin the Creator, and I´m a Demigod. I live in the
subnet, and my uptime is 61 days 7:01.
I enjoy surfing, smiteing heathens, and chillin in the ethernet. Turn ons
include worship, cult orgies, and polytheists. Turn offs: the White Man,
mono people (monotheists, monogamice), and Shmeng
____________________ So Sayeth Me
posted on 21/4/2002 at 10:26 PM
I´m Katy. I joined a while ago, this being my first post. Wee. 20, female,
unemployed part time gothy person, Raleigh NC. I don´t remember how I found
this site exactly, some random searching led me here I believe. I wish I
knew what I searched for. It must have been screwed up... heh.
Visit: thee site
Hi im callei. Im Mistress of orgies. You can call me "oh callei, Mistress
of Orgies".
Turn ons: sex.
Turn offs: trolls, bad poetry, TV, and bad grammar.
Favorites: things you may have heard of, things that you havent heard of,
and dodging shmeng.
____________________ Real goths wear silver and crosses to keep the werewolves and vampires
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 893 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 22/4/2002 at 05:40 AM
--"Rose of May" from FFIX--
I am Ironboots, self-proclaimed king of the forums, with no real power. I
simply sit on my cardboard throne and talk.
I enjoy using the computer, mostly...
When I´m not using that, I may play upon my guitar.
If I´m at school, I am sleeping, debating what the teacher said (causing
havoc in the classroom), or drawing (depending on mood); drawing up
fantastical plans for castles, machines, or creatures.
And I really enjoy roleplaying...
*marches back to cardboard throne, sits*
Continue with normal music!
____________________ Piggy's got the Conch!
Posts: 248 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 22/4/2002 at 05:54 AM
sounds like a goth dating service on here lol!
My name is Sarah,16, Capricorn
been posting here for a few months now and I worship the ground that Devin
Walks upon (not really, But I´ll give him a little ego boost))
Turn ons: blood and being bitten...good poetry, good music and long hair or
some kind of musical talent
Turn offs: Ignorance,whores,bad poetry and people who preach
::weird porno music:: :evil:
____________________ My Life is like a porno-Without the sex-Just the weird music
I am hipperthanu (and I´m hip because I use u instead of you).. I´m an 18
year old of the male sex, from Western Massachusetts.. I dress like a prep,
act like a nerd, and hang out with the goths (and each group doesn´t really
know what to make of me it seems).. I´m currently still wasting away in
high school but will soon be majoring in Communications (tis phony major!)
at some college or another.. I´m a music whore (read: obsessed), movie
monger, and I watch way too much television. I´m a gamer/computer nerd and
I put my grubby little cynically optimistic mind into everything I can.
I´m not goth in the least, but I love the art of it. Oh plus, I´m
narcissistic, or at least self indulgent (in case you didn´t notice).
I´m new to shmeng and found it courtesy of miss Vampcourt (she likes to
talk to me and hope my hipness rubs off on her). Joy.
"we´re not insane, we´re just pretending, at least, I think we are."
____________________ you. me. a bottle of baby powder. the backstreet boys "larger than life" on
repeat. a can of moxie. thems the makings of lovins or my name ain't Jesus
H. Christ.
Posts: 50 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 22/4/2002 at 12:45 PM
i´ll just stick with the porno music.. :-D
my name´s christian, i´m 15, i live in a small country called sweden,
located somewhere in the northern region of europe. i´m new here. don´t
quite recall how i got here, though.
i like: books, music, computers, darkness, beautiful things, people with
good vibes, rainy or cloudy days, good television(lynch, kubrick,
i dislike: sunny days, ignorance, people who try to shove their beliefs
down your throat, bigotry, fascism, capitalism(and the way our society
forces people into it), bad television
____________________ All your base are belong to ME!!!
Posts: 50 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 22/4/2002 at 12:47 PM
oh, and add violent computer games to the list of things i like :evil:
____________________ All your base are belong to ME!!!
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 893 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 22/4/2002 at 05:07 PM
I hate pastels, too... They´re dusty and they smudge and get all over the
place... They´re so hard to use, it drives me mad... -- Personal
interjection I had to get out. :roll:
____________________ Piggy's got the Conch!
Posts: 293 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 22/4/2002 at 05:11 PM
*Plays Bjorks Bachorellet in the background*
Hi im court, VAMPcourt. Gnah hah. yeah.. Im a 22 year virgo whos interests
are music, art, Dancing, Kats,Photography, painting, drawing, anime, comic
books, fake hair/wigs, being a general animated human being, sex,
makeup,Strange films/Directors,LOUD industrial german stuff,Tatoo´s and
piercings,Animals rights and Peoples Rights, Punk as Fuck people, Goth as
Fuck people, friends, paranormal and reading.. (there is more but i dont
feel like typing it all) im a long time shmenger and i m sarcastic. but
dont let that fool you. I´ve got a heart and im also not hard to aprroach.
My favorite colors are black, purple, neon green, magenta, and red.I work
at a miserable hell hole with miserable people and i will soon be
relocating myself on the west coast. Weee Hee. i likes them miserys!!
Feh. they can shove it up thier hoo-haw.
____________________ "Thou shalt not be afraid of the dark, nor of graveyards nor ghosts nor the
devil, for thou art scarey and mean." -The Goth commandments
Occasional Poster
Posts: 18 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 22/4/2002 at 06:25 PM
~~music: cucumber by brak *stuck in my head*~~
*wave* I´m Amanda.. or Prism. Depends on how friendly you feel. I´m 15, and
I´m stuck in the rainy hell hole also know as Seattle. I don´t know how or
when I found this site, I just stumbled on it and wouldn´t leave.
I love to read, mostly piers anthony and isaac asimov. Heinlein´s Stranger
in a Strange Land was amazing to me. Music of all sorts, cats, computer
games, interesting looking skies, weird people, various sorts of art,
action and comedy movies that are actually decent. It´s all good stuff. Ah
yes, I may be overly fond of attempting to entice the various males I come
in contact with. *grin* I can´t help it. (Or don´t want to.. it´s fun. And
generally entertaining if the person in question plays along.)
Overly feminine or whiny people, pink/putrid yellow, spice girls, loud
obnoxious prejudiced people, and those trying to fake a southern accent
just get on my nerves. As do girls with bleached blonde hair and fake tans.
____________________ I'm defective!
Posts: 116 Registered: 14/4/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 23/4/2002 at 12:51 AM
this is bettie_x aka: my pasword is wonky and I can´t login!
^*^welcome to the new peeps ^*^
*enter bauhaus "dark entries"*
22, married, satanist (laveyist/humanist) Aries (as if you can´t tell) and
a monkey in the chinese zodiad (laugh, I dare you). Explains the fondness
of banannas and short temper...anyway.
I´m an artist (I play pretend) and do oil painting, sculpting, ink drawing
and flash art, music lover covering everything from 70´s glamrock and
goth, guns and roses, johnny cash, diamanda galas and pj harvey, concrete
blonde, 80´s pop like cyndi lauper, dead or alive, and billy idol. Don´t
forget the industrial and darkwave kids...gotta give some love that way.
I read too much, smoke too much, drink too much, sleep too little, eat
poorly (for a vegan) and scream a lot. enter "chainsmoking karaoke
I seem mean, but I´m usually quite nice...I do try, am often unsuccessful,
but the effort is there at least. I´m the resident maniac, harbringer of
doom, and princess of darkness *bwahahah*, I´ve been here for a LONG time,
and I´m open to anyone who needs anything about anything.
Adores: Michael (husband, houseboy, sex slave) animals, veganism,
seahorses, bats, art, music, good friends, good enemies, sleep, tattoos and
clairol nice and easy natural blue black hair dye.
Oh, and sex, booze, and rock and roll.
Loathes: just about everything not mentioned above...anyone know a good
Bettie, have I ever mentioned how awesome you are?
____________________ this is your world in which we grow and we will grow to hate you
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 897 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 23/4/2002 at 04:29 AM
*plays J.S. Bach the Art of Fugue*
I´m Schizo. I´m 25, black (or dark brown, depending on the state of my
dye. Now I´m kind of half-and-half) haired, green eyed, and naturally pale
as a ghost. I had an eyebrow piercing, but it got irritated, and I took it
out, and it grew together *boohoo!*
I know far too much about Christianity for my own good. I am (almost) 7
months pregnant with a very active child. (Settle down in there, kid!)
My favorite activities (for the moment) are visiting Shmeng, playing Final
Fantasy X, reading, exploring the woods and the local graveyards, and
trying to help my baby´s father to find a job so he can support his kids
(mine and his ex´s.)
I love spiders, the colors black and red, fast cars, good books,
contrapuntal music, languages, going temporarily insane, and people who can
laugh at themselves.
I hate hypocrisy, nosiness, bossiness, lies, self-important people,
mindless music, political correctness, and illogic.
I am the Mother Confessor of this website. Come to me with your
confessions, and I´ll (supposedly) give you an answer of compassion and
common sense, assign your penance, and if you´ve been bad enough, send you
straight to the Mistress of Discipline!
Oh yeah. I´m a Scorpio born in the year of the Dragon. Potent, huh?
____________________ "You can tell by the scars on my arms and the cracks in my hips and the
dents in my car and the blisters on my lips that I'm not the carefullest of
girls." - Dresden Dolls, "Girl Anachronism"
Posts: 511 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 23/4/2002 at 06:33 AM
Mistress of Discipline here...
I´m Meranda, I´m 28, Taurus, and Ox in the chinese calendar... hair in
varying stages of red, depending on when I´d last tried to dye it to a
brilliant anime cartoon red and green eyes. Married to Rogue, 4 kids ages
8-4 (yeah I´m the original fertility goddess)
I´m here to see that people play nice, and give people with naughty
confessions to Mother Schizo inventive discipline.
Likes: adventure, books, dancing, my family, my friends, gourmet cooking,
people getting along, music, romance, petting my friends, and all that is
good and beautiful in the world
Dislikes: stupidity and meanness, especially when they´re together,
belittling or rudeness, violence, or anything else of a shmengy nature
Posts: 178 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 23/4/2002 at 07:55 AM
-= plays horrible 80´s synth-pop =-
I´m DevilBunny aged 20, usualy male. I´m tall, thin and handsom... er,
I´m in Central Europe. Umm... I´ve got black-red hair and some piercings
(lip and nose). I also study a couple of things. And I don´t get enough
money for doing all that.
God, this feels stupid.
I like: night, candles, music, books, intelligent girls, suicide photos,
art in general, ruined castles and such, talking and drinking too much with
a certain Angel.
And I don´t have anything against Marilyn Manson...
I dislike: sunny weather, what people did with the world, conformism,
stupidity, fascism, religious fanatics and the whole modern society lot.
Posts: 463 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 23/4/2002 at 09:41 AM
*Nods to the DJ* "Praise your Fears" by :Wumpscut: starts playing...
Hello, my name´s Adam, I´m a 21 year old Libra/Monkey, and (correct me if
I´m wrong) the only Corporate-Rivet-Goth here.
I basicly spend my week days sitting in the office staring at the computer
screen or working on the servers(I´m IT), and spend my nights and weekends
reading, playing games, camping, watching movies normally consisting of
anime and horror, hitting on cute girls, computers, and grilling.
Just about every saturday I round up my freinds and we go to the club where
I feul up the dancing engine with a few Long Islands Iced Tea´s or Jack and
Cokes then proceed to boogie down.
I´m an outrageous flirt and will hit on anything with two legs(and even
that requirement is just a suggested one) although it has gotten me into a
little trouble a few times(and is probably the reason I am currently
single, oh why does no one take my cheesy sexual advances serioulsy?).
well, that´s me in a nutshell. If you have any questions, feel free to
have your people call my people.
____________________ Sometimes I dream about dinosaurs shopping for cargo shorts at the Gap.
Does that make me a bad person?