People are such bigots when it comes to religion and theyīre so MEAN about
My way is Right, hehe Iīm going to heaven.
Your way is Wrong, you are fucked.
My dad called me tonight. After the weather and other b.s. he started in
on one of his religious sermons. Heīs a southern baptist and he knows for
a fact that there is a seat reserved just for him in heaven. He says and I
quote "Donīt you know that your mother and I are concerned with where your
soul is going when you die? We want you to live in heaven with us". Iīve
had to hear this kind of shit my whole life. Until I moved out when I was
17. Drives me crazy that people think that they have a responsibility and
a right to denounce all other religions except their own. I know free
speech and all, but I would never presume to tell anyone that they face
eternal damnation if they donīt believe as I believe.
Itīs fine that you have such a strong faith. Good for you!!! Really. Just
donīt threaten me with it.
Posts: 248 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 12/4/2002 at 06:21 AM
people are just that way. Its hard to convince those people other wise. I
am Pagan. My Mom was Catholic before she got with my stepdad who is a
Southern Baptist. Now both of them are southern baptist and for the most
part I have to Hide my religious prefrence from my stepdad my mom doesnīt
mind all that much but insists that I go to church on a regular basis and
that I read the bible and hold the Bibles truths to be mine.
<BR>Sorry thats not the case. I get away with my
altar for the fact that my mom burns candles and what not and all my
statues in my room are of the Virgin mary which I use as my rendition of
the Goddess. People fail to see the flaws in religion. All of them have
flaws wheather you like it or not they are there. I personally canīt stand
when Someone tries to convert me. I am not trying to get you to believe in
my religion so leave me the hell alone. I mean I was in wal-mart and I had
like 3 people attack me with papers that said Salvation. I think I kinda
scared them off though.
<BR>But some people
there is no reasoning with them. Its like when your a kid and your really
gullable and you know god is in heaven no questions asked heīs just there
and when you die your going to heaven (not like at your young age you could
grasps the concept of death)
<BR>some people
chose to stay in that state of mind. IF your going to heaven or not well i
guess Iīll find out when I die. But if god created the earth and created a
heaven and a Hell then why would he create so many non-believers if he
loves his children he watches them fry in the firey pit. To me that just
doesnt make sense!
<BR>Oh look at me I go off
into tangents on religion so I mind as well stop know before I really start
pissing people off.
<BR>no offense to
christians here thats just my personal opinion <IMG
____________________ My Life is like a porno-Without the sex-Just the weird music
Posts: 317 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Online
posted on 12/4/2002 at 07:13 AM
Iīm sorry. It was the Mormons. The Mormons.
<BR>(Gotta love south park)
____________________ So Sayeth Me
Posts: 116 Registered: 14/4/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 12/4/2002 at 04:13 PM
religion is just a way of coping with the painful truth of life all
religion is flawed there is no ultimate good nor an ultimate evil just nice
ideas and hopful beliefs i have no religion yet i know a lot about
religions i hate that your going to hell and crap hell doesnt even exist
donīt antagonize me with christian crap all it is is a posers religion
christianity is an off shoot of catholosism and catholosism is an off shoot
of paganism and so on and so on druids are the oldist religios practice
they worshiped many things people say are evil today when there not evil is
relative so is good all truely ingenius people have figured all this out
before however they all went insanely mad with depresion,insanity,genicidal
tendencys,paranoia basicaly they went insane because they had no "secerity
blankit" for life no way of coping but i am able to cope i am able to say i
am beyond gath in all ways i am too smart too be taught i lose intrest too
quickly to care i am truly genies and too jaded to know wrong from right
when there is none in this place we call a world allthis is is a stupid
shit hole waiting for the univers to colaps in on its self. until next
time.............i am the darkness of space , the lonly spec of dust
surrounded bytrilions upon trilions of other specs of dust yet i am still
lonly and emotionless. (the goth test is for posers if yuo got them all
right then you are not truly "a goth" as you say the test is crap marilin
manson is a poser he does it all for attention he is just an entertainer
but to be able to think up the things rob zombie,adger allen poe, lord
byron can your half way there this site could have been made by a "prep"
all you have to do is have an extensive reseach done on goth subculture and
it helps if you know psychology and have a high iq its to easy to come up
with such things that are almost not jaded all this site is is for
shocking parents you may think your goth or you just may be really smart
either way you are a poser even though you donīt realize it) the darkness
consumes me always!#&*(|/@$$*)($$#%$%&(#$#$^*^&&
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 893 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 12/4/2002 at 04:31 PM
um.... catholics werenīt a druid offshoot...
<BR>Anyway, I suppose Iīm pretty lucky. My
fatherīs side grandparents are staunch catholics and my grand-aunt is a
nun, but thatīs were it ends. My father was really disenfranchised with the
Church revolution during Vatican II, so heīs pretty loose with religion. He
doesnīt mind (I think) that Iīm agnostic, and never go to church, save for
the important days (when he goes) to save face for him... I donīt mind too
much, its just a few more years of it. And I wouldnīt know what to do if I
was left home... *shrugs*
<BR>But about every
other weekend we have door-to-door people... So far I havenīt summoned up
the gits to carry on a conversation farther than īno thankyouī but I want
to, eventually. Maybe third time will be the charm.
<BR>I love debate! <IMG
<BR>Its why Iīm in
these forums!
____________________ Piggy's got the Conch!
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 893 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 12/4/2002 at 04:38 PM
Loosely quoted (because I spent 20 minutes refreshing shmeng and it
wouldnīt come up) from shmengīs random quote:
<BR>"One doesnīt
need the bible to justify love. But no greater tool has been invented to
justify hate"<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was
edited by: Ironboots on 2002-04-12 16:48 ]</font>
____________________ Piggy's got the Conch!
Posts: 50 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 12/4/2002 at 05:15 PM
to anonymous(whoever you are, i guess you forgot to log in):
<BR>ever heard of punctuation marks? i mean did you have to limit
your message to only four sentences? jeez..
____________________ All your base are belong to ME!!!
Posts: 56 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 12/4/2002 at 05:52 PM
yeah, when it comes to religion, people are very close minded. over 98% of
the people stay the same religion they were borught up by their parents.
so basically itīs just a culture thing. You should really have a talk with
dear olī dad about your beliefs. <IMG
____________________ Why build if destruction is only to come?
Occasional Poster
Posts: 18 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 12/4/2002 at 09:00 PM
i basically look at it this way. i may be right or wrong, but it doesnīt
much matter...
<BR>basically i hate religion,
all forms of it, every possible conceived religion since the origin of
human existence. but thatīs not to say that iīm not spiritual, or that i
dislike spirituality, or feel that spirituality has no place in human
<BR>see, i define religion as
something for the masses and spirituality as something for the individual.
in my opinion the two are not the same, but rather exact opposites. that
is, in order to have a religion, it must be employed / practiced by more
than one person; religion is an institution, and like all institutions it
serves only the institution, not the individual. spirituality on the other
hand is something that should be individually arrived at free of extraneous
bias and it should be a very personal thing. a spiritual person has no
need to push his or her beliefs on another person, because they are
perfectly content simply believing them on their own. the whole point of
spirituality (in my humble opinion) is to help yourself find peace, not
someone else (and certainly not to damn someone else).
<BR>to give you an example... i sing in a church choir. iīm not
christian. i never went to church as a kid, but when i was 18 i joined a
church choir because iīm a musician; i like to sing and i like the music.
i can guarantee you iīve put as many hours into that church community as
anyone who calls themselves īchristian,ī but i abhor the thought of
christianity. i donīt believe christ was a son of a god, and i only
marginally believe he lived as it is. i can barely tolerate the sermons
(even though the church has a very liberal priest), yet i go. i go because
i enjoy the singing and i hold a great deal of respect for the man who runs
the choir.
<BR>anyway, i digress a bit, but...
you see i consider myself spiritual. iīm not religious. i cannot even
pinpoint for myself what my spiritual beliefs are, let alone force them
upon another person. for me, my spirituality helps me believe in things
beyond my control (as with most iīd imagine). humanity is weak and
therefore needs to believe in something greater than itself. as much as
iīd like to think iīm stronger than the common man, iīm really not and
there are times when i need that sort of comfort. but i donīt find it in a
religious book, a sermon, the celebration of idols, etc. i find it in
things like sunrises, sunsets, eyes, quirky circumstances, etc, etc...
iīve tried complete atheism, and there are just too many freak
circumstances and rare beauties for me to subscribe to it fully.
<BR>but anyway. religion is just bad, but
spirituality can be good. there is absolutely no need for a personīs
spirituality to extend beyond that person, however. except perhaps in very
close romantic relationships, i guess, if itīs mutual.
____________________ we lie embraced in the arms of dawn
the fading echoes of pointless time
surely we're not allowed to die...
Posts: 161 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 12/4/2002 at 11:16 PM
See I`m a different situation then most of you, my mom and stepedad is
Haitian Baptist which compared to sourthern baptist is far far far
worse.... My mom used to be catholic and before that she was santarian (
which is a cross between catholic and vodu religions) that was when we used
to be happy now that shes seen the light all she does is nag me about how i
need jesus and step out of the darkness even though if we got god opinion i
would most likely be the better christian.( hey they made me the sunday
school teacher not her) Thats why i chosse to ignore her most of the time
But at church its a different story........ All the lovely teens in youth
group have decided to take upon themselves to try to convert me and get me
to join youth group .... Which I have made very clear to them why I won`t
I refuse to go to youth group because I am not a hypocrit like the rest of
them. I know that I`m not a "good christian" and I know i`ll never be one
because some of my belifes conflict with theirs but I am not going to sit
in a group of people that bash everyone else belifes cause they`re "good
christians" and then walk out of church 5mins later screaming fuck this and
fuck that I (thankfully) know better than that.... So ever time the come up
to me and rant I give them my usual smart ass answers, walk away and return
to my 3 hours of deprogramming on their young ;-)
____________________ Alot of people have good stories that take place at a lake with friends and
boats and noodle salad just not anyone here
Posts: 114 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 13/4/2002 at 02:08 PM
Freakin mormons, I could go on forever, I was engaged to a mormon, it was
hell, almost as bad as being raised in a strict roman catholic
family...almost. I could go on and on and give my opinion, but this has
all been said, so to sum it up, I would just like to say that sometimes,
people suck, they suck large homosexual goats, ok? <IMG
____________________ this is your world in which we grow and we will grow to hate you
Posts: 317 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Online
posted on 13/4/2002 at 11:24 PM
Hey Mara - you could have some fun with all that. Sounds like you prolly
know enuf about Santaria. Just go to the christian youth group, and
pretend youīve completely accepted jesus (itīs not hard if you have a
little patience). Then slowly start some discussions about some of the
saints, and how great they are. Once the sheep accept those conversations,
start slipping in (little by little) some of the relationships of the
saints to some of the voodoo stuff. If you get that far, then start moving
away from the saints, and talking about strictly Vodun stuff. Pretty soon
youīll have a bunch of baptists dancing around campfires with bloody
chickens, and you gotta send me pictures.
____________________ So Sayeth Me
Posts: 248 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 13/4/2002 at 11:35 PM
omg that would be great! Send them to me too!
<BR>Jesus love the little lezzies all the lezzies of the world
butch and femmy dyke and bi they are precious to all the guys jesus love
all the little lezzies of the world.
<BR>(hehe) bunch of us made that up at play practice during the
Crucible this year it was great.....
____________________ My Life is like a porno-Without the sex-Just the weird music
Posts: 79 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 15/4/2002 at 10:24 AM
I believe it has to do with the internal structure and beliefs of the
religion you profess. Itīs not people, itīs the religion. If the religion
says its way is the Only True One and all others will roast in hell, and
the worshipper really believes that, itīs not strange that they should act
like that. If they didnīt they wouldnīt believe in it, would they?
The point is several religions, or perhaps the interpretators of several
religions, are not as arrogant today as they were before and donīt think
that just because they wear the Fishermanīs Sandals what they tie on Earth
will be tied on Heaven and so on. So the internal structure of the religion
gives room for tolerance. But faith is about following what you believe, or
otherwise itīs not Faith. If you belong to a stupid, hell-obsessed Church,
and you believe all that... well, you deserve what you got. Tolerant people
adhere to tolerant religions, intolerant people adhere to intolerant
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 897 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 20/4/2002 at 07:43 AM
I donīt like religions either. Donīt get me wrong. I believe in God,
pretty much along the lines of the Christian description, with a somewhat
Wiccan twist to how I view the universe. But whatever conclusions I came
to on God and the universe I came to on my own - with help from
Christianity and Wicca, but not depending on them.
The whole original point of religion is to describe the Something out there
that so many of us seem to sense, but can never quite pinpoint. The
problem comes when people forget about that Something and start focusing on
the religion itself. Thatīs when bigotry happens.
I spent most of my life completely immersed, even submerged in intense
Christianity. Thus, my terminology tends to be of the Christian variety.
Itīs sad when people start mistaking the term for the thing. Call me
Schizo or call me by my real name or call me Horseshit. It doesnīt matter.
Iīm me. In the same way, I donīt think it matters if you call the
Something Jehovah or Jesus or the God and Goddess or split it up into
little pieces and call it a hundred names, as long as youīre referring to
that big Something.
And as for descriptions of the Something, of course every religion is going
to describe it differently. Iīm sure most people would describe me
differently. If the Something is real, then itīs bigger than you or me,
and we only have a very limited idea of what it is. My experience may
overlap yours, or it may not. I may know things that you know about it, or
I may know different things.
I think it would be best to use religion only as a tool to discover the
Something. Where it helps you, great. Where it hinders you, set it aside.
Remember, other peopleīs experiences can be valuable in your search. But
never let the experience of an individual or a group build a fence around
you beyond which you are afraid to step.
Or let anyone else step.
____________________ "You can tell by the scars on my arms and the cracks in my hips and the
dents in my car and the blisters on my lips that I'm not the carefullest of
girls." - Dresden Dolls, "Girl Anachronism"
Posts: 116 Registered: 14/4/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 23/4/2002 at 12:25 PM
You bunch of deluded hypocrites really do have absolutely no idea what
reigion is, do you?
Of all of you I think the anonymous post was most profound in its abuse of
your indifferently imature īcounter cultureī, and you managed to criticise
the punctuation marks?!
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 759 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 23/4/2002 at 02:56 PM
How nice for you, im glad something here touched you and made you think.
Oh, and we are subculture not a counter culture (in majority) and are
notoriously uninterested in people who try to get attention through
____________________ Real goths wear silver and crosses to keep the werewolves and vampires
Posts: 99 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 23/4/2002 at 02:58 PM
youīre right
i have no idea what "reigion" means
Posts: 99 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 23/4/2002 at 03:02 PM
very close indeed Ironboots! the quote is:
You do not need the bible to justify love, but no better tool has been
invented to justify hate
-Richard A. Weatherwax
heh, that was one of my additions to the quote generator
Posts: 463 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 24/4/2002 at 01:31 PM
[quote]You bunch of deluded hypocrites blah blah blah blah...[/quote]
Wow, not only did this "genies" decide to come here and tell us that we are
posers and that he alone knows the secrets of the true religion(after all,
weīre all poserīs what do we know??), but he also felt the need to post
again and confirm the fact that he is the most inteligen of us. I guess
that is why only one person replied to his first post, the rest of us
werenīt smart enough to get it.
Oh well, some day when Iīm no longer a poser and "the darkness consumes me
always", Iīll fully under stand what it is to be "gath".
____________________ Sometimes I dream about dinosaurs shopping for cargo shorts at the Gap.
Does that make me a bad person?
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