Is this thing on? Are any of us on? So much has been gained, so much has
been lost, so much stone turned to dust and dust to stone. Shadows became
deeper, light became brighter, and twilight in between became its own
being. In the end we are at the beginning, always at the beginning just
past the end, such is the nature of things. And the nature of things is
that things are their own nature, each thing is its own outside its
category and can only be taken as such, defying artifice and machinations
to the contrary. Only then can the inherent uniqueness of every jot and
tittle be seen, then by defying this nature can the interconnection between
all things be revealed. Universal laws of conservation do not apply,
because there is no closed system in the universe, not even the universe
itself, so entropy and its opposite force become local and mutable, and
suddenly the observer becomes the focus, the observation becomes the
creation. What do you observe? If you want to view paradise, simply look
around and view it....
____________________ Plenty of time, my sweet. Plenty of time.
Posts: 317 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Online
posted on 11/1/2012 at 01:46 PM
Is the cat Dead? Is the cat alive? If you pull the cat's tail in new york,
does it yowl in LA? Even if there is no cat? Does the cat belong to
Einstein or Schrodinger? Whose cat is it if you are not looking?
____________________ So Sayeth Me
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 897 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 11/1/2012 at 03:57 PM
Well, hello there Deep Roy Baty. This place echoes like a San Francisco
apartment in the year 1992.
I like deep shadows. They give me the chance to observe myself. The
interactions between observer and observed set off a chain reaction, as
subatomic particles are exchanged, causing the fusion and fission of life,
a blast of energy, shedding new light. A new dawn, as the divine that
inhabits me and all other creators says "Let there be light" and declares
it good, a new paradise to be destroyed and reformed over and over in the
atomic blast of observation and resulting knowledge. A myriad short-lived
Edens, each more idyllic than the last.
[Edited on 1/11/2012 by Schizo]
____________________ "You can tell by the scars on my arms and the cracks in my hips and the
dents in my car and the blisters on my lips that I'm not the carefullest of
girls." - Dresden Dolls, "Girl Anachronism"