Yes yes yes! (or at least, the cooks at the excellent restaurant I had it
at did.) Little twists of lemon zest, too... after a hot dusty day of
walking... god... it was chillingly perfect! Do you know how to make it?
I would die to be able to make that at home...
____________________ "You can tell by the scars on my arms and the cracks in my hips and the
dents in my car and the blisters on my lips that I'm not the carefullest of
girls." - Dresden Dolls, "Girl Anachronism"
Occasional Poster
Posts: 21 Registered: 13/6/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 5/7/2007 at 06:04 PM life is a cheap fabrication. I'm not pretending to show
concern. Other than the obvious exaggeration about the foods, meant to get
a reaction and possibly a discussion started, I have not spoken falsely.
This will sound obtuse possibly, but I once read the Egyptian Book of the
Dead, basically a long prayer that you have to say to the various beings
you meet in the underworld, and I thought it would be a good idea (just in
case, come on, they built freaking pyramids, they must have known
something) to keep to the code it mentions. Long story short, you have to
profess that you didn't do certain things or certain beings will do nasty
things to you, like making you go upside down or eat poo or other things
like that. One of them is that you have not spoken falsely, and I don't.
So, no poo poo platter for this guy. I though the exaggeration and
character stuff would go over well, with the squids and what not that
already live here. Some of what I have has spawned discussions or
anti-Comte hatred festivals, but even that is better than the crickets and
sagebrush that has been prevalent lately, no?
Anyway, that peach soup sounds even better if it has schnapps in it, I bet
it is good.
Posts: 598 Registered: 24/8/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 5/7/2007 at 09:40 PM
The recipe I know about has both schnapps and white wine, along with yogurt
and various spices. A friend told me about it eons ago and I keep meaning
to make it. I think I'll try it soon. The weather out here just begs for
something nice and cool and sweet.
____________________ Okay, dazzle me.
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 897 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 6/7/2007 at 02:53 AM
Squid is the only one who carries on a "character" here. But that's not
the reason he's been so accepted. The only dispute he carries on with
anyone here is with Dolo, and that is entirely in good humor and they'd
have each other's backs in any fight.
I am personally sick to death of you continually harping on Meranda and
Rogue. I don't know why you do it and I don't really care. No one would
care about your "character" if you would stop being such a prick about
that. (It's a little silly anyway - characters work better if you are
blatantly over-the-top like Squid.)
If you really have a concern with Meranda, take her out for lunch and have
a nice talk with her, if she'll go with you. If not, for gods sake just
drop it. And while I know Rogue could care less about things you say, it's
not about to endear you to anyone here, especially me.
Honestly, I don't care all that much about "action on Shmeng." Yeah, it
would be nice. What is more important is that I have a group of friends
here, and I keep track of how they are doing, here, or elsewhere. But I
met them here. As long as they are OK, I'm content. You don't seem to get
the point that the "core of Shmeng" is just a group of friends, not an
elite club you can worm your way into by stirring things up or talking a
lot or putting on a talent show.
In other words, I prefer crickets and sagebrush to an underdeveloped
character taking potshots at my friends. So, like your mommy said, if you
don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. And if you
really have advice of a private nature to give to Meranda, do it privately.
Or at least don't complain about the Comte-bashing sessions, because so
far you've been walking around shouting and holding up a target.
Hey, I'd rather see you turn out well than not. So if you've got something
else in your repertoire to show, go right ahead. I'm not stuck on my own
opinion. Change my mind for me, if you can, and if you want to.
____________________ "You can tell by the scars on my arms and the cracks in my hips and the
dents in my car and the blisters on my lips that I'm not the carefullest
girls." - Dresden Dolls, "Girl Anachronism"
Posts: 511 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 7/7/2007 at 08:25 AM
Oh, Jesus fuck, Schizo, do NOT encourage him.
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 897 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 7/7/2007 at 10:54 AM
As you wish, darling. Just making sure he doesn't get a chance to feed off
some sick persecution complex. He's shown he can put a neuron or two
together on occasion at least - too bad this is the use he's put them
Don't want him stalking ya, of course, just trying to impress on him that
this is not the place to be hounding someone "for their own good." Blah.
If you wanted his advice you'd be seeking it out. He seems to want to be
all friendy and taken seriously - he ain't gonna get it from me as long as
he keeps up this nonsense.
What's with this whole "save Meranda from herself" nonsense, anyway? Does
he do it to annoy, or is he genuinely obsessed with you? (Or, like I said,
maybe he just likes the persecution.)
____________________ "You can tell by the scars on my arms and the cracks in my hips and
dents in my car and the blisters on my lips that I'm not the carefullest
girls." - Dresden Dolls, "Girl Anachronism"
Occasional Poster
Posts: 21 Registered: 13/6/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 11/7/2007 at 09:22 PM
I have not the neurons nor the time to be persecuted, much less to stalk
someone for any reason. I merely suggest that she examine her priorities
and choices, and let that be enough. I certainly have opinions on the
matter, which I would be glad to explain in great detail if asked, but I
will keep quiet this time.
I find a good lemon balm herbal tea to be comforting after a hard day,
especially with a tipple of brandy beforehand.
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 897 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 12/7/2007 at 02:50 AM
You see, that's exactly it. You "suggest that she examine her priorities
and choices..." How on earth are you qualified for that? Meranda's
priorities and choices are Meranda's business. Take care of your own. You
do realize that the only thing more harassing than harping on someone
because you want to hurt them is doing it because you think you need to
help them? Either you are doing it to deliberately annoy, or you are
really so ignorant of the basic laws of human interaction (and I don't mean
artificial social standards, I mean the way things really work) that you
really don't have a clue of your offense. Either way, it's not likely to
bring you much esteem in my eyes or in the eyes of most around here. It
certainly doesn't prove how much you care about her, it proves how obsessed
you are with her and how full you are of your own agenda, that you refuse
to face the fact that she doesn't want you for a benefactor and savior.
Hey, you know what? Everyone can probably stand to examine their
priorities and choices from time to time. I'm sure Meranda does it on a
regular basis. And if she wants someone to aid her in this, she will turn
to someone who has earned her trust and esteem, not someone who won't leave
her alone "for her own good."
As for tea, I'm a sucker for honey lemon ginseng green tea. or anything
super-fresh and packed in a pretty tin (I like pretty tins, and brewing tea
from loose leaves rather than a bag). I haven't had time to sit back and
slowly sip a cup of tea for ages - I've been relying rather on the jolt of
the black, thick, evil stuff I like to call coffee. But once the hectic
rush of birthday party planning is over, maybe I should crack out my teapot
and my delicate little Russian Blue Net tea cup and indulge myself.
____________________ "You can tell by the scars on my arms and the cracks in my hips and
dents in my car and the blisters on my lips that I'm not the
girls." - Dresden Dolls, "Girl Anachronism"
Posts: 511 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 12/7/2007 at 03:28 AM
Flattering as it is for there to be an argument devoted to me, this really
isn't the place for it. Make a new forum if you must continue. This one is
devoted to comfort foods. Or uncomfortable foods, whichever you choose to
talk about.
Me, I have expensive tastes. I don't know if this is something I was born
with, if it's a Taurus thing, or if it is something I have acquired after
years of being utterly spoilt.
When I am in dire need of comfort or rewarding myself, I always go for the
Dorothy Lane Market chocolate mousse. This is a delicate confection, served
in a fine chocolate shell. Second chocolate choice would be a box of
Godiva truffles. I am sure there is an even better, more expensive sort of
chocolate out there, and if I were to have access to it, I would
immediately move my preference to that, because when it comes to chocolate,
I simply must have the best.
Although, if I were deliberately encouraged to acquire these tastes, i
would strongly suspect someone of trying to make it impossible for me to
live in the real world.
Never gonna happen. I can live on cheap cheese and crackers as easily as
gourmet $12 an ounce cheese and top of the line water crackers, with the
proper wine accompainment.
I guess I will never give up my low-maintenance side.
Although, I have a serious block when it comes to ramen noodles. I hate the
stuff and will not eat it willingly.
Posts: 598 Registered: 24/8/2002 Status: Offline
posted on 16/7/2007 at 09:15 PM
MJ, I am so with you on the good stuff in life. I enjoy really good
whiskey, and when I have the money, I buy the best stuff I can. Then I look
back at my days in college and wonder how I was able to feed myself on $15
a week.