Any thoughts? Should file swapping be closed down because of the record
industies fear of losing money? Should file swapping stay online and force
the record industry to lower cd prices, maybe...produce some original music
for once?
OMG that is TOO funny! I totally remember ascii porn. Damm I'm old. Yes
kids, we didn't always have color monitors - or even graphical monitors.
Once upon a time it was just text.
____________________ So Sayeth Me
Posts: 289 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 11/7/2003 at 09:34 AM
"I remember sharing porn over a 14.4 modem before there were porn
sites" - Devin
I'm so sorry, but for some reason that reminded me. Does anyone else
remember ASCII porn?
Wow that took forever to hack into shape. Sorta like the old days in that
____________________ It is only through the lack of sex that humanity derives the need for an
all encompassing blind love. And in that moment of extreme horniness with
no relief in sight, in that moment can be found the birth of religion.
Posts: 463 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 11/7/2003 at 06:57 AM
I always find it amusing when people justify their theivery by saying
things like, "their rich" or "they have too much money" or some other type
of nonesense.
____________________ Sometimes I dream about dinosaurs shopping for cargo shorts at the Gap.
Does that make me a bad person?
Posts: 2 Registered: 8/7/2003 Status: Offline
posted on 10/7/2003 at 04:14 PM
At the end of the day, there will ALWAYS be filesharing as long as the big
ol' WWW is alive and kickin'! There is absolutely nothing anyone can do
about it... short of closing down the internet completely which in todays
society is impossible due to the huge amount of revenue it generates for
all kinds of people worldwide and the sheer amount of communication it
Also, any of the REAL fans of the bands etc will go out and buy the CD's
regardless of whether they have the songs on their computers at home, just
so that they can say that they have the real article! But as far as the
musicians go... most of them have their millions stashed away in various
bank accounts and they shouldn't need to have money as their drive because
they're doing something that they enjoy! It's not as if they and their
families are going to starve just because a few people downloaded their
latest album now is it!?
"Shouldn't they be starving artists?
by: a_useless_troll 07/10/03 06:11 pm
Msg: 104 of 160
not living in a multimillion $$ mansion??"
by: stunna1bg 07/10/03 06:26 pm
Msg: 194 of 225
I think CD's cost too much first of all. Secondly, what do any of these
artist do for the commuinity except show off. I don't care who has the most
cars or the most houses. What I care about is who actually is helping
people through their talents. I think artist get paid too much to do too
little. Police, firefighters, and teachers should get paid more because
they actually do something besides sing a damn tune."
"The average artist makes $.50 per CD
by: spooky11112003 07/10/03 06:22 pm
Msg: 166 of 297
1 recommendation
sold. The record company eats up the profits. ALL artists make their real
money from touring."
"This report should be a wake-up call to governments on the massive damage
that music piracy is causing to their economies, their cultures and their
international reputations,"
Yeah, people of China, South East Asia , Eastern Europe ... would be
delighted to pay 20$ instead of 1$."
That the only time they complain about their ART being stolen is when they
take a hit in the wallet.
I'll respect the industry when the industry respects me."
I do see some cds go on sale for $9.99 when they first come out. That's a
big step towards fixing the problem but it's too little too late.
File-swapping is the ideal way to trade music and many people won't go back
to paying for something which they can get for free.
Put in the fact that there is so much shit music on the markets/ marketing
blitz and you've still got a large problem on your hands.
size=1> but at least you know, just how much pain there is in living
Posts: 499 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 8/5/2003 at 03:00 AM
Give unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar's.
____________________ Light is changing to shadow, and casting a shroud over all we have known.
Occasional Poster
Posts: 28 Registered: 16/1/2003 Status: Offline
posted on 3/5/2003 at 04:08 PM
its stupid. even if they shut down kazaa and napster, people will still
file share
Posts: 74 Registered: 17/3/2003 Status: Offline
posted on 1/5/2003 at 05:16 PM
If I hear a band i really like, i'll download the song i heard, then like 3
other random songs of the album... if they're good i buy the CD. If it
weren't for filesharing a lot of bands (well, their labels) wouldn't have
my 20 bucks
____________________ "Be neither a master nor a slave to pudding, for there is a time to gather,
and a time to cast pudding away"
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 893 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 1/5/2003 at 04:59 PM
Remy: WHOAH! You're right! That is such a kickass argument! (referring to
the anti-gun-control argument...)
"File-sharing teenagers don't make musicians poor. Tight-fisted executives
I want that on a bumper sticker!
____________________ Piggy's got the Conch!
Occasional Poster
Posts: 34 Registered: 29/4/2003 Status: Offline
posted on 1/5/2003 at 02:48 AM
Is there even any legal basis for shutting file sharing services down? I
mean, it's not the services themselves that violate copyrights but the
users. As we all know - thanks to the work of another lobby - it's not the
gun that kills...
The prices demanded for a single CD are way too high. I understand
perfectly that independent labels may have to keep them on that level to
cover their own costs and I'm willing to pay the sum if the music's only
good but what are the excuses of Virgin or Warner?
____________________ "A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of
nothing." - Oscar Wilde
The movie industry also freaked out when VCRs came out, because they had a
"record" button on them to allow people to record tv programs and whatnot,
and because you could hook two up and record taped movies. They said that
people would tape movies and sell/give them to friends and cut their
profits from actual video tape sales, which is what we did of course *lol*
, who wouldn't of course? and the fact that video tapes were friggin
expensive back then too. (by 1980's standards anyway...)
I also remember when CD's came out....big fat bulky packaging and quite
pricey. The companies said that they'd cut the packaging amount and that
would lower the cost. They cut the packaging, and the fucking things STILL
cost about the same!
Point being, it doesn't matter how much they can cut their own cost on a
product, all that matters is if they can cut a cost on a product which will
result in higher profits for THEMSELVES. We all know that 99.9% of the
time the person that makes the most money off music sales ARE NOT the
musicians, but the I can understand a musician being peeved
over mass sharing of their songs for free because let's face it, every
little bit counts...but let's also understand that metallica as a
collective was being a shitty little bitch over the whole fucking matter.
There were other large name rich musicians that had NO problem with their
music being "shared" on places such as napster because they had ENOUGH
money. ANd on a positive side, getting songs for "free" could actually
INCREASE CD sales, because you can sample and hear new musicians or music
from new CD's before you buy it, and make you want to go get it.
Because face it, if I had a connection that could download songs fast
enough to make it worth my while, I would, but I'd also go out and BUY the
CD because I like to have the actual product. A lot of people do.
Whether it's "pirating" video tapes (and now DVD's) or sharing music or
movie files online, it's always gonna happen and it's never going to stop,
and it's not half as bad as crybaby movie/music label execs make it out to
be. Goes to show they aren't about the art, it's about how much money they
can make off of it.
Lowering CD costs like they SAID they were going to do about 10 years ago
would probably cut the amount of "sharing" out there, but it wouldn't stop
it. Apparently most of the internet geeks out there attended that day in
kindergarten, and learned well
____________________ Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas.
Posts: 317 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Online
posted on 30/4/2003 at 06:05 PM
File sharing isn't going anywhere. People have been file sharing since the
net was invented. I remember sharing porn over a 14.4 modem before there
were porn sites. Yes really, there was a time before porn sites. The
files just keep getting bigger as connections get faster. People are
sharing movies already. You can usually see a movie before it comes out in
theaters if you know where to look. They can only shut down the
centralized file sharing services like napster and kazaa - the peer to peer
ones just have too many people to try and sue. And if they start trying,
people will just go back to sharing on IRC like in the olden days.
The internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.
____________________ So Sayeth Me
Extreme Fanatic
Posts: 893 Registered: 31/12/1969 Status: Offline
posted on 30/4/2003 at 03:27 PM
*reads the warning message*
*laughs his file-swapping head off*
This is so ridiculous! 'Please mr. napster-user, please don't download
songs... It makes my executive salary sooo much lower! Pretty please?'
Psh! File swapping should be here to stay! Screw the recording companies! A
music group doesn't need them! Whatever happened to travelling musicians!
I'd love to have Green Day in my house. I'd feed them and such if they
played for me...
I don't think lower cd prices would affect piracy, unless they went
-really- low.
Maybe it -would- force them to produce original music...