As a result fo the myspace thread, I stumbled across this (thank you Kira)
and I am posting it here... i thought it might amuze some of us...
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
Opening Credits: Bowling for soup, Bemlgium
Waking Up: A Perfect Circle - thinking of you
Stuck: Blue Man group - klein mandlebrot
First Day Of School: Voltaire - The man upstairs
Falling In Love: Green day - she's a rebel
Fight Song: REM - windout
Breaking Up: Foo Fighters - Learn to FLy
Prom: *bright red* the buffy musical soundtrack - I'll never tell
Getting Back Together: Green Day _I want to be alone
Wedding: Sonic Youth - Doctor's Orders
Sex Scene: Green Day - Walking Contradiction
Birth Of A Child: CHaron - Deep water
Final Battle: ?????????????????? Rent - Without you
Death Scene: Bowlign for SOup - boulevard
Funeral Song: Stephen Lynch - Whittling man
End Credits: The Cure - SPeak my language
OK... there were some that were missing... SOOO... I am adding them
Yes, I know some of these will NEVER happen in your real life, but
it is important to know what song will be playing when I remake the
universe in my image.
First Kiss: Green Day - words I might have ate (I SERIOUSLY do not have
much geen day on my hard drive)
Parents (good mood): Moloko - the flipside (really good mood)
Parents (disappointed in you): REM - try not to breath
Meeting the S.O.s parents: The Cure - homesick
Death bed confessional: (NERD CORE) Sudden Death - Reign of Error
Losing your virginity: Bloodhound Gang - Kiss me where it smells funny (I
Graduation: Dresden Dolls - My alcoholic friends
Spring break: Dresden Dolls - back stabber
Montage: Bond - Ride
First sight of a Zombie: The CUre - Walk (80's zombie movie)
First sight of a Werewolf: Hawksley Workman - Stop Joking ARound
First Sight of a Vampire: Stephen Lynch - Pierre
Zombie/Werefolf/vampire vs. Me battle: Tori Amos - wednesday
Death of the zombie/werewolf/vampire leader: Weezer - The Garage
A savage beating from a Psychotic: The Fray - Hundred
Red Carpet Premiere (YES IT WILL HAPPEN - If scream made so can I): REM -
Thwarting your enemy in a machiavelian fashion: PINK- I have seen the
Kissing a cross dresser without realising it: REM - Just a touch
Kissing someone you KNOW you shouldn't: Stephen Lynch - Halloween
Finding your Soul mate: Green Day - ha ha you're dead
Masturbation: Bowling for soup - assman
Watching someone else masturbate and they dunno it: The Fray - Heaven
you one porn scene: Charon - erase me
you develop superpower adn become aware of them: Green day - geek stink
Natural disaster: Offspring - Head around you
Un-natural Disaster: Queens of the Stone age - mexicola
FUCKING CAT PUKED ON YOUR BED: tom tom club - lesbians by the lake
Take the pepsi challenge: offspring - smash
Banana Hammock (FLEEEE!!!): Weezer - buddy holly
You were right religiously and you get exactly what you expect in teh after
life: (NERD CORE) The rap shrew - aAHh aaaaangst
you were wrong: Green day -i want to be on tv
Demonic possesion: Offspring - cool to hate
Excorcism: The Firefly complete score - Mal loses everything
Botched Exorcism: Weezer - beverly hills
Priest has no faith when performing teh exorcism: Bond - the 1812
deomonically possessed pet: Art fo Noise - back beat
Posting your soundtrack: Bowling for soup: where to begin
____________________ The earth turns on a tilted axis - just doing the best it can.