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Ok. so a painting turned into a pen drawing. I got about halfway through the painting, didn't like it, didn't like the Idea and scrapped it.. But of course, that is what I do with allot of my stuff. This pen drawing is just a beginning Idea and rough sketch... It has a long way before I can develop it and turn it into a painting.

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Articles: The truth about me
Posted by daria_4 on Wednesday, September 17, 2003 - 10:57 PM PST

One would think that as a military member--particularly the female variety--I would be more useful not pregnant than the other way around. In this spirit, to ask for sterilization would not seem like an unreasonable request. Apparently, I am not only wrong, but I am way the hell off base. I haven’t even made it to the field. “Not until you’re 35 and have at least three kids.” Three kids!?! Are you fucking kidding me? “And if you don’t have any, no doctor will do it until you’re so close to menopause that it won’t be worth it.”

When I say that I don’t want kids (even when I phrase it the “nice way” and specify that I don’t want any of my own), the responses I get are akin to someone just cocking his head to the side and saying, “But you’re a girl, right?” Yes, you fucktard, I’m a girl. I’m a girl who happens to know that she doesn’t want, and hence, shouldn’t have kids. Is that really so hard to believe?

No, I don’t want the joy of a “little me” running around, my kid won’t cure cancer, my mother doesn’t deserve grandkids, I won’t marry someone who wants kids, and it won’t be different with my own… “My own” will not shit, piss, cry, sleep, smile, eat, crawl, or do any of those things that babies generally do any more or less than the average baby. Yes, I know what the average baby does. I lived through it with my siblings, who are significantly younger than me. I like to call them my inspiration at times.

On the days I can muster up the courage, I try to tell people: I feel nothing inside when I see babies or children. Nothing. Remember the Nothing from the Neverending Story? That’s the sort of all-consuming huge black Nothing I feel inside when wee ones are present. Ah yes, you used to be just like me and now you wouldn’t trade your kids for the world. Well gee, maybe you’re right. I’m only a stupid twenty-something who can’t possibly know my own mind—especially about something so natural and feminine as mothering. How could I have forgotten my place?

No one questions those who want kids, whether they want one or fifteen. People feel sorry for those who can’t have kids. I see people around me congratulating pregnant teens, while I have doctors, family, friends, and even strangers questioning my choice not to reproduce. I could go on about my reasons for days, and most sensible people, childed and otherwise, understand and agree with them. I admit, I don’t know what it will feel like to be thirty and without the resources to have kids, but goddamnit, if I am mistaken about this, I will take responsibility for my actions and adopt instead!

I don’t think I’m mistaken, though. I can’t share this with everyone who sees fit to tell me I don’t know better, but I can share it now, as it is something that has been waiting to come out for some time now. I have been pregnant. There was neither joy nor wonder at the being growing inside of me. The notion that I wasn’t ready for a baby barely crossed my mind. I just knew that I loathed what was inside me. I hated it more than I hated anything or anyone in my life. I knew my life would be over—not that my life as I knew it would be over; no more late movies or my dreams of college being quashed. No, it would be over in a different way. I would never be happy again. I knew I would resent that kid for the rest of my natural life, even if I could fool myself into thinking I was happy on some days.

These weren’t just the fear-driven overreactions of a teen. These were the deepest gut feelings of a sane, relatively intelligent person. That I could hate something so completely… well, that should tell anyone why I ought not have kids. I’m sure you understand that I can’t tell just anyone what I just told you. It’s not the kind of thing one says to people in today’s overly PC world. Hell, it’s not the kind of thing one tells people in a less than PC place either, but it's the truth. The "right man" won't change it. Holding ten thousand babies won't change it. That's my truth.

I’m still looking for a doctor who isn’t stupefied by my request. It would be nice if, in the process, I also find one who won’t treat me like a freak or an idiot.

Author’s note: I spent quite a bit of time trying to write in how I don’t hate all kids, just the idea of my own; but everything I wrote sounded like an apology for the previous lines. I thought an endnote would be more appropriate to get that message across without changing the tone of the article.

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The truth about me | Login/Create an account | 19 Comments
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Re: The truth about me
by Psychopixi (psyche.at.psychopixi.dot.com)
on Sep 18, 2003 - 12:05 AM
(User info | Send a Message) http://psychopixi.com
I think it's very responsible of you to seek out a doctor who will sterilise you. I'm not going to discuss whether or not it's the right idea, but as things are I think you're doing a much better thing than most. So many people bring children into the world when they don't want them, and aren't fit to be parents. They want the selfish things - the ego boost in having a mini version of them running around. That's hardly fair on the child. So - good for you, and the best of luck to you in finding a doctor.

Re: The truth about me
by Domkitten (saradevil@saradevil.com)
on Sep 18, 2003 - 05:04 AM
(User info | Send a Message) http://www.saradevil.com
I'm not sure, but perhaps you should see if you can find a female doctor that can help you. For some reason the comments you posted struck me as being fairly masculine, in which case finding a woman docotor might make things a bit easier.

In my experience anyway, women have a greater ability to understand the desire not to have children.

I work with kids, I love being around kids, and I have absolutely no intention of ever spawning any little munchkins. Fact of the matter is at the end of the day, I want to put the kids away and have my own time, so there you go.

I think it is admirable that you have chosen to share you choice, and I hope you can find someone to help you out.

Re: The truth about me
by tallidaho (jadetater@yahoo.com)
on Sep 18, 2003 - 08:11 AM
(User info | Send a Message) http://www.tinytall.com

All I can say is I agree. I've known from a very young age that I don't want kids of my own. I just don't. IF, and that is a huge if, I ever have the urge to have a little monster running around that I am responsible for, I am going to become a foster parent or adopt. There are too many unloved children out there for me to be creating even more. Why does it seem that everyone complains about overpopulation and starving children, but suggest that perhaps they take in an unloved child instead of having a biological 9th, and they look at you like you've gone insane. Finding a doctor willing to sterilize me at 18, though, will not be happening anytime soon. So I suppose it's just a matter of waiting it out.

Re: The truth about me
by Merry_Widow on Sep 18, 2003 - 10:18 AM
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Strange...most doctors I have heard form on sterilization would only want the woman to wait until she is 25 or has three kids. Time for you to get a second opinion. Find a new doctor, and begin the never ending dialouge. You aren't going to be able to find one that is just going to say "Okay, lets scrub up!" right away, but if you are frank about your thoughts and needs, and they are sure this isn't something you have bum rushed yourself into, they should do the procedure.

Re: The truth about me
by bettie_x (strangersangel@hotmail.com)
on Sep 18, 2003 - 10:59 AM
(User info | Send a Message) http://bettie_x.tripod.com/
The general "age of consent" for sterilization of either gender is usually 25 (or has three kids), because they figure that by then you've got a better grip or view of what you want out of life.  I'm not having kids YET...I intend to have one (when I have got a hold of my life and can afford a child).  I'm only 23 and I hear from people CONSTANTLY "When are you gonna have a baby?  Why don't you have a baby yet?  You NEED a baby!" and look confused when I say I don't have the time or money right now to be a good mother!  "What do you mean?"  I get so angry when I hear this, like there is no more to children than squeezing one out.  I don't have the time.  I have a job with inflexible hours that doesn't compliment my husband's work schedule, and tho daycare works for some, *I* am not going to have my child raised by strangers.  I am also in debt, and I'm not going to compound the money situation by having to support a child.  Also, I drink I smoke I like to sleep in, I like to do things at my own pace, I'm going to be going back to school.  I am not ready to give that up.  When I explain this to people they STILL give me the "what's wrong with you " look, so I totally know where you're coming from.  And all I'm doing is telling people that I"m not ready.


Re: The truth about me
by Shade (Shade@Gothcult.com)
on Sep 18, 2003 - 11:27 AM
(User info | Send a Message) http://www.hotelshade.com
Nicely put Daria, I think I was 24 when i went in and got my tubes zapped, and even though I'm male the doctor had a one month waiting period between first contact and the first time period when he would do the operation. Callei and I went in and spoke to him carefully and clearly about the fact that we didn't want kids now or ever. We were careful not to mention the key phrases like "If we change our minds we can adopt" because we knew that that was the kind of key language that they look for as it 'could' mean that we were unsure. We admitted that we knew about the option of adoption only when asked (Yeah right, not happening). I know it is more difficult for a female to get the procedure done, partially because of medical expenses and partially because, at least here is the US, the assumption is still that women should pop out a few for the team.

My big bit of advice would actually be to find and call a few doctors in Seattle, I hate the town personally, but they seem to have the most blase approach to sterilization that I have ever run across. My operation was 400 dollars and I was on a first class flight to California about three hours afterward, the doctor didn't seem that worried as long as Callei and I were sure about our decision.

Good luck with your search, I hope it gets easier.

Re: The truth about me
by Squire-of-Gothos (Brian0049@hotmail.com)
on Sep 18, 2003 - 12:30 PM
(User info | Send a Message) http://
That is a pretty unusual doctor response. But then again, I really don't trust doctors. I just spent the last month of my life trying to find out if I had syphilis. Twice they lose my blood cultures, ten they say I'm positive, then they say "oops, our bad, we didn't read it right, your negative" (It should be noted that when the actual lab document was shown to me, in plain english it says SYP (syphilis) - Negative. Wrong indeed) Definately speak to another doctor. I think once you hit mid to late 20's, you've experienced enough of life's shit to know if you want a baby or not. Hell, nowaday, you freeze some eggs, and they could give you a hysterechtomy and you could still have a child, invitro and all that jazz.

Re: The truth about me
by Schizo (Aranea@spidersdance.com)
on Sep 18, 2003 - 02:49 PM
(User info | Send a Message) http://http://
Even though I have a child of my own, I certainly don't judge you for not wanting any.  If anything, I see from the inside why someone would not want children.  I love my daughter with all my heart, and I am glad I have her, but it does not negate the fact that children are extremely disruptive, expensive, exhausting, and time-consuming.  It's a huge investment. 

And kudos to you for not leaving it to chance.  I know at this point that another child would be disastrous for me financially and physically.  However, if things loosen up for us, I think I would like another.  So sterilization is not for me, obviously.  But today I made extra-special sure that I'm not going to have any more unexpected bundles of joy for a while.  My arm is now nice and sore from a good jab from my favorite doctor.  A little Depo Provera goes a long way!

Good luck finding someone who can help you.

Re: The truth about me
by Comedian (eccentrically_long@yahoo.com)
on Sep 18, 2003 - 03:35 PM
(User info | Send a Message) http://http://
Sorry MetalHurlant, beating you to the quote(I hope):

"He had been born close to the earth, close to the earth had he lived, and the law thereof was not new to him. It was the law of all flesh. Nature was not kindly to the flesh. She had no concern for that concrete thing called the individual. Her interest lay in the species, the race. This was the deepest abstraction old Koskoosh's barbaric mind was capable of, but he grasped it firmly. He saw it exemplified in all life. The rise of the sap, the bursting greenness of the willow bud, the fall of the yellow leaf -- in this alone was told the whole history. But one task did Nature set the individual. Did he not perform it, he died. Did he perform it, it was all the same, he died. Nature did not care; there were plenty who were obedient, and it was only the obedience in this matter, not the obedient, which lived and lived always."

-Jack London

This about sums it up...
by Kira (mod_complexathotmaildotcom)
on Sep 18, 2003 - 09:46 PM
(User info | Send a Message) http://www.livejournal.com/users/mod_complex
They put it better than I could:


(It takes a long time to load, but it is worth the wait.)

Re: The truth about me
by daria_4 (-)
on Sep 20, 2003 - 06:39 PM
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I've talked to more than one doctor already... the one I wrote about was the worst. Overall, the best experiene I had was with a female nurse who had no problem with the idea, and would have given me an IUD without a fight, but she hadn't had the training to do so.
I did finally get an IUD after a big fight and proving that I had done my research. I'm pretty well covered now until 2010, but because an IUD is reversible, I still have to put up with people in my life being convinced that I'll change my mind and also having no problem telling me just that. The other thing is that it creates a weirdness in my dating life--if I could just come out at the beginning as definitely not having the hardware for kids, I wouldn't have to deal with guys who lie about not wanting them, or guys who secretly hope I'll one day change my mind. It's not the biggest deal ever, but it's frustrating nonetheless.

Re: The truth about me
by Starlight (elenmea@hotmail.com)
on Sep 25, 2003 - 01:29 AM
(User info | Send a Message) http://www.geocities.com/nony_one/index.html
I have made some life choices that I think were the right ones for me and those involved. At least the choices I've made of my own accord and without the influence of anyone other than myself. (This means the choices I've made beginning basically in the spring of 1998 or thereabouts.)

I have to say that I undersand what you have said, daria_4 and I commend your courage in sharing your views with those who come here.

Some of my life choices would be viewed as "somewhat understandable to very okay" if I were a man in today's PC sort of world. However, since I am a woman, I find my opinions and life choices have been questioned extensively by some of the people whom I've shared them with. 

The bottom line is this: Each person must choose what is right for them, whether it be mainstream  choices or stepping out in their own direction. If people never question the "rules" or decide to do something outside the "norm" then it might be a much more boring world to live in.

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